Archive for February, 2014

Side Effects of Atorvastatin

Feb 26 2014 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

Atorvastatin is a drug that is classified under the statin drugs. It is a hypolipidemic or a drug that aids in the lowering of the cholesterol level. In addition, it selectively inhibits the HMG CoA reductase enzyme that is being manufactured by the liver. It has a famous brand name called Lipitor. This aids in lowering the bad cholesterol or LDL and increasing the good cholesterol or HDL levels. It is good in reduction of the risk in stroke and heart attack as well as other cardiovascular diseases. In long term usage, the person may experience side effects associated with its uses. Some of the common reported side effects are:

1. Memory loss

When one uses Atorvastatin in a long term treatment, there have been reports suggesting that it has the ability to affect one’s memory. This is related to the inhibition of the drug towards the steroid molecules which plays a huge role in the function of memory.

2. Muscular pain

This is a common side effect associated with the consumption of this drug. In a long while, it can become serious especially if you become ill and fever is developed along side with this side effect. This serious medical condition is called as Rhabdomyolysis.

3. Liver damage

This is a common negative effect in most statin drugs. When one has liver damage, he or she will report to have symptoms of nausea, light colored stools, abdominal pain in the upper right portion, jaundice and darker than normal urine color.

4. Skin rashes

Skin rashes may be experience once using this medication. In addition, the person may also experience flushing in his or her skin.

5. Allergic reaction

This is a rare side effect. When this happens, symptoms like hives and swelling of tongue, face, throat or lips which eventually leads to difficulty in swallowing or breathing.

6. Soreness of the muscles

Muscular soreness is a serious condition that may greatly affect the kidney resulting to kidney failure if not given the proper treatment. It may also place at risk for Rhabdomyolysis which is one factor of liver damage, failure of the kidney and worst case scenario, death.

7. Nausea, heartburn and abdominal pain

Gastrointestinal effects like nausea, heartburn and abdominal pain may also be reported in taking Atorvastatin. It is seen and experienced in the first few weeks and may diminish after the body has adjusted well to this kind of drug.

8. Weakness

Weakness of the muscles may be experience in line with the ingestion of this medication. This may eventually recede when the body is accustomed to the medication. This is a temporary and non-serious side effect.

9. Stomach upset

This is another common side effect which may be felt during the first few weeks and can be bothersome to some persons. It generally would go away in time.

10. Headaches

Headaches are common in the first few weeks of treatment with this medication. It can lead to problems concerning concentration. If it becomes severe, you need to consult a physician about it.

11. Flatulence

Flatulence is merely the passage of gas. It is reported to be felt during the initial treatment phase. This may lead to embarrassment on the part of the person. The good thing is that you can cure this with over the counter medication or those drugs which are prescribed by the physician.

12. Discomfort in the abdominal region

Discomfort in the abdominal region can lead to unable to enjoy one’s food. The person may feel decrease in appetite and discomfort while consuming this medication. If it become severe, it is advisable to consult a physician.

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Flu Jab Side Effects, Uses, Advantages

Feb 24 2014 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

Flu Jab Uses

Flu jab is a type of flu vaccine for persons suffering from flu or influenza. Flu or influenza is known to be contagious kind of virus infection which affects the person’s respiratory system. It can be easily passed via droplets in the air which contains the virus via coughing or sneezing of the infected person or whenever the person are able to touch inanimate objects which has the virus. Here is where flu jab enters. The flu jab is a vaccine that will prevent the person from experiencing flu all through the year. Recent studies have manifested that flu jab vaccines provide protection to person against the flu virus. Yet, the protection given by flu jab is not that complete and varies from one person to another.

Flu Jab Advantages

Flu jab, which is a flu vaccine, has a lot of advantages to persons who acquire it. The following are the advantages one can get out of flu jab vaccine:

  • It prevents influenza types A, B, and C
  • It keeps the person free from flu symptoms
  • For pregnant women, it protects their baby
  • Protects you from swine flu virus
  • It can is easier to administer

Anybody can have flu jab both elderly, children and even pregnant women

Flu Jab Side Effects

As said earlier, anybody can have it. One thing straight, with the use of flu jab it can prevent you to get infected with the flu virus but it does not prevent the occurrence of epidemics. Generally, persons can tolerate flu jab vaccine injections. It has some minor side effects which are expected to occur in a minor form. The following are the side effects of flu jab:

Allergic reactions from flu jab

Allergic reaction, which is part of the flu jab side effects, happens when a person is known to be allergic to egg. That is why as much as possible, the person who will receive for the very first time flu jab, are asked if he or she is allergic to egg, which is a known component of flu jab, to prevent allergic reaction to occur. Allergic reactions can be manifested via hives, anaphylaxis which is a fatal condition, difficulty in breathing, vomiting and angioedema.

Systemic reactions from flu jab

This kind of reaction will normally manifest in a person beginning 6 to 12 hours after the flu job shot is given. This kind of systemic reaction, one of the flu jab side effects, will last to a maximum of two days. In addition to that, the manifestations under the systemic reaction are rash, fever, aches in the person’s muscles and malaise or having a not good feeling.

Local reactions from flu jab

This is another mild side effect of flu jab, which is included in the flu jab side effects, which may last to two days or lesser. Here, the person will experience mild swelling, pain and soreness in the area that was injected.

Guillain Barre syndrome

Certain research conducted pointed out that there are instances that might put the person at risk to the medical condition termed as Guillain Barre Syndrome, which is under the flu jab side effects. This syndrome is an acute polyneuropathy which affects the peripheral nervous system of the person.

Low grade fever

This is a normal occurrence since the flu jab vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine which has a weakened infectious organism that induces the immune response of the person. Hence, the presence of the low grade fever, one of the flu jab side effects, suggests that the body is responding to the vaccine given and is normally doing its normal function which is to protect the host from the virus injected.

Other side effects are as follows:

  • Soreness of the throat
  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose

It must be stated out to the person or to his or her guardian that the said side effects are mild in nature and will only last to a couple of days. But if, for instance, the side effects mentioned earlier last for more than the expected days, then it might be because of an underlying medical condition. Hence, there is a need to report immediately to the medical practitioner or physician to be evaluated and given earlier treatment. So that further complications will be prevented. It must be pointed out that serious side effects often appear rare.

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Gigantism – Pictures, What is?, Symptoms, Causes, Types

Feb 17 2014 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Gigantism?

Gigantism is a medical condition characterized by excessive height and growth that is above the normal average. It is brought about by the excessive production of the growth hormone which occurs during childhood, days before the closure of the growth plates. Persons who have gigantism have excessive insulin-like growth factor. It is a rare condition. It affects the endocrine system, known as the growth and development regulator.

Gigantism pictures

A 12 year old boy with Gigantism barely fits in with the height of the door.

Gigantism Symptoms

In people who have gigantism, the commonly observed and prominent signs are an abnormally tall height. The symptoms of this condition are evident during childhood at a very young age. The other symptoms associated with gigantism are as follows:

  • Fatigue
  • Jaw is large
  • Big hands
  • Excessive sweating
  • Difficulty in visual aspects peripherally
  • Puberty retardation
  • Headache
  • Deafness
  • Facial features thickens
  • Fingers and toes are thick
  • Frontal bossing
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Releasing of breast milk or galactorrhea

If gigantism can’t be cured or treated, complications associated with gigantism can be severe. However, the risk of complication can be deducted when early treatments and diagnoses is made.

Gigantism Causes

As mentioned earlier, the cause of gigantism is the overproduction of the endocrine hormone, particularly the growth hormone which typically occurs in children before the closure of the growth plates of the bone.  Other reason behind gigantism includes:

  • Neurofibromatosis

This medical condition deals with the genetic disorder that causes growth of the tumor.

  • Carney complex

This deals with the rare medical condition of the gene mutation which leads to a high risk of pituitary tumor like adenoma.

  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

This condition is an inherited one which leads to the endocrine tumors and makes it hyperactive.

  • Benign pituitary gland tumors

The presence of benign pituitary gland tumors will lead to the pressing of the pituitary gland and lead to the excessive production of the growth hormone. This is the common reason of gigantism.

  • McCune Albright syndrome

This syndrome is brought about by a mutation of the gene.

Gigantism Types

  1. Deep Sea

Deep sea gigantism is otherwise known as abyssal gigantism. It occurs in animals in species of invertebrates, crustaceans and other kinds of deep sea dwelling animals that display a bigger size than they normally would have. Examples of animals that are considered to be part of the deep sea gigantism are the Japanese spider crab, king of herrings, giant isopod and amphipod.

  1. Cerebral

Cerebral gigantism is a type of gigantism which is often called as Sotos syndrome that has the characteristics of advancing bone age and overgrowth. People commonly affected are those who have dysmorphic macrodolichocephaly: pointed chin and downslanting fissures in palpebral area. It has an accelerated rate of growth for the first five years minus the elevation of the growth hormonal levels.

  1. Island

It is called as insular gigantism that exists in a biological phenomenon. It is about the phenomenon wherein the size of animals living isolated on an island dramatically increase compared to that of the related animals living in the mainland. The animals living isolated on an island grow large due to the lack of competition and predators as opposed to animals living in the mainland.

  1. Pituitary

This type of gigantism arises because of the presence of pituitary adenoma which secretes growth levels in a high level. This commonly occurs before the epiphyseal growth plate fusion. It is commonly seen in growing children.

Gigantism Facts & Statistics

Historically and statistically speaking, even in the past, gigantism has existed throughout history. There are some tribes and nations that appear taller than the others. It should not be confused or used alternatively with acromegaly which also deals with the increased production of the growth hormone and is seen commonly during puberty level compared to gigantism which occurs during childhood days.

Statistically speaking, the gigantism occurs rarely. There are approximately only 100 cases dealing with gigantism solely in the United States. In addition to that, it occurs mostly in males.

Gigantism Treatment

The goal of gigantism treatment is to reduce the overproduction of the growth hormone. It may be accomplished through the combination of medication, surgery and radiation.

  • Pharmacological treatment

The drugs which can be used in treating gigantism and aims at the reduction, blockage of the growth hormone and preventing the abnormal stature growth are as follows:

    • Sex hormone therapy like testosterone and estrogen
    • Somastostatin Analogs like Lanreotide and octreotide
    • Growth hormone antagonist like pegvisomant
    • Dopamine agonist like cabergoline and bromocriptine mesylate
  • Radiation treatment

This is a good treatment that has been used effectively in the reduction of the growth hormone levels and bringing it into normal level. Yet, the thing about radiation therapy is that the desired results can be seen in five to ten years maximum. Aside from that, side effects can also arise such as alteration of the emotions, disabilities in learning and obesity. This treatment is often is the last treatment option for gigantism.

  • Surgical treatment

This is another effective treatment for gigantism which is aimed at removing the tumor to reduce the abnormally high growth hormone levels. This will work for persons having pituitary tumors which are the reason behind their gigantism.

Gigantism Pictures

Picture of Woman with Gigantism

A woman with gigantism sitting next to a normal womanGigantism pics

Gigantism has been documented even before the early timesGigantism large jaw picture

A woman with gigantism with evident or large jaws. Gigantism large hands pictures

Gigantism also leads to the development of large arms and hands. Gigantism foot image

A picture comparing the foot of a a normal individual to one with gigantism.Images of Gigantism bones

A bone of a giant man was discovered years ago. See the difference in the size of the femur.

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Lecithin Side Effects

Feb 15 2014 Published by under Side Effects

Lecithin is made from lecithin soy granules which is a natural dietary supplement medication. It is rich in phosphatidyl. It is scientifically called as phosphatidylcholine. It is used in the treatment of variety of health conditions like ulcerative colitis and stress. It is an over the counter medication that is non toxic and safe to use. According to recent research, the usage of this medication may also have health dangers apart from the health benefit it offers. The following are the lecithin side effects.

1. Gastrointestinal side effects

Under these side effects includes pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting and abdominal fullness. In addition, some persons may experience loosening of the stools and diarrhea.

2. Body odor

This is the common reported side effects of lecithin which produces an unpleasant body odor. This happens when you consume high doses of this supplement which can lead to incomplete digestion of the body leading to unpleasant fishy odor of the body.

3. Kidney side effects

This is a rare form of side effect experienced that is associated with the administration of this medication. This is commonly seen in persons with preexisting kidney problems who takes this supplement may lead to the exacerbation of the symptoms and worse health condition.

4. Lower blood pressure

When a person takes in higher doses of lecithin, it may lead to having lower blood pressure episodes which leads to symptoms like fainting, blurry vision, confusion and weakness. When you experience any of these symptoms, you immediately stop taking this medication and consult your physician.

5. Gaining of weight

This supplement aids in the promotion of gaining of weight or obesity according to studies conducted. It leads to the increase of triglycerides in the body and promotion of fat cellular production deposited in the tissue culture of liver cells.

6. Risk for asthma

An increase intake of this drug will lead to a risk for asthma episodes. In addition, it leads to the promotion of damaged lipids and increase in inflammation which leads to induction or aggravation of asthma.

7. Risk for cardiovascular disease

Risk for cardiovascular disease condition may also experience by the one taking in this kind of supplement. Lecithin is actually part of the lecithin cholesterol acytransferase enzyme which deals with the convertion of cholesterol to high density lipoprotein or good cholesterol or HDL and then aid in transporting the cholesterol to cells which can use it which is a process termed as reverse cholesterol transport. According to studies, it does not increases the process called as reverse cholesterol transport leading to low good cholesterol or HDL levels and high LDL or bad cholesterol level.

8. Dementia

Some experts say that it may lead to dementia problems when taking in this supplement in a long term basis.

9. Interfere with thyroid hormones

Studies reveal that there might by a possible interference of thyroid hormones such as the hampering of the testosterone level and can also lead to the promotion of etiologies for breast cancer. Hence, persons should be warned about this kind of side effect.

10. Headache and dizziness

In addition, headache and dizziness may also be experienced with the intake of lecithin. This is brought about by high dosages of this supplement.

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Adrenal Insufficiency (Primary & Secondary) – Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis

Feb 10 2014 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

Adrenal Gland Hormones and Functions

The adrenal glands are two organs located at the top of each kidney. These glands are responsible for producing hormones that regulate normal bodily functions.

Adrenal glands produce three types of hormones: glucocorticoids, androgens, and mineralocorticoids.

1. Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids are hormones responsible for the following:

  1. Regulates glucose levels
  2. Aids in fat deposition
  3. Defends the body against infection
  4. Helps the body react to stress

Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid in the body. Cortisol is produced by the stimulation of the adrenal gland by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) produced by the pituitary gland.

The hypothalamus produces a corticotrophin releasing hormone which stimulates the production of ACTH by the pituitary gland. In turn, ACTH produced by the pituitary gland helps the adrenal gland produce cortisol.

2. Mineralocorticoids

The main mineralocorticoid produced by the body is aldosterone. Aldosterone is the hormone responsible for regulating sodium, potassium, blood pressure and blood volume. Aldosterone promotes the retention of sodium and excretion of potassium. As aldosterone retains sodium, it also retains water which leads to increase in blood. Reduction in aldosterone production leads to sodium excretion with resulting excessive water excretion, hypovolemia, hypotension and high potassium levels.

3. Androgens

The adrenal gland also produces androgens such as testosterone, DHEA sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

In women, androgens are produced primarily by the ovaries and the adrenal glands. Testosterone gives rise to the secondary sex characteristics of women such as growth of pubic and axillary hair. This hormone is also important for the sexual drive or libido in women.

Most androgens in men are usually produced by the testes. Because of this, testosterone produced by the adrenal glands is not as important in the sexual function of men.

What is Adrenal Insufficiency?

Adrenal Insufficiency involves the inability of the adrenal glands to produce adrenal hormones, specifically glucocorticoids (cortisol or steroid). Adrenal insufficiency may also involve inadequate amounts of mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) and androgens (testosterone). There are two classifications of adrenal insufficiency:

Primary adrenal insufficiency

Primary adrenal insufficiency results from inadequate production of adrenal hormones as a result of the destruction of the gland itself. Despite ACTH production of the pituitary gland, the adrenals do not respond and do not produce the right amount of hormones. The main cause of primary adrenal insufficiency involves an autoimmune disorder leading to idiopathic atrophy of the adrenal gland and a decrease in size of the gland. Other causes of primary adrenal insufficiency may include tuberculosis, fungal infection, hemorrhage and other diseases affecting the adrenal glands. It can also be due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia, cytotoxic agents or enzyme inhibitors.

Primary adrenal insufficiency may be acute or chronic and prevalence is equal between females and males. It is a rare form of adrenal insufficiency affecting .035% in every one million people.

Secondary adrenal insufficiency

Secondary adrenal insufficiency does not involve damage to the adrenal glands but an impairment of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland leading to inability of the two organs to produce hormones (ACTH or CRH) that stimulate and regulate the adrenal glands. Causes of damage to the pituitary and hypothalamus include cancer, hypothalamic tumor, pituitary tumor, head injury or Sheehan’s syndrome (impairment of the pituitary gland).

Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary complex may also be seen in improper administration of exogenous steroids. Sudden withdrawal from steroid therapy does not allow the pituitary gland and hypothalamus to adjust, causing them to cease production of ACTH and CRH. Because of this factor, secondary adrenal insufficiency has become relatively common.
Primary and Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency is summarized below:

Adrenal Insufficiency 1

When the body is subjected to stress, the body is unable to adapt normally because of inadequate cortisol. As a result, adrenal crisis occurs.

primary & secondary adrenal insufficiency

Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency depend on the certain type of the disease although some symptoms may be similar to both types.

Primary Adrenal insufficiency

  1. Darkening of skin on the face, back of hands and neck
  2. Postural hypotension
  3. Light headedness when lying or standing up
  4. Nausea and vomiting
  5. Dehydration
  6. Salt cravings
  7. Muscle and joint pain
  8. Decrease in libido and decrease in pubic and axillary hair in women

Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

  1. Hypoglycemia, shaking, sweating, anxiety
  2. Weakness, tiredness
  3. Muscle aches
  4. Palpitations
  5. Darkening of skin is not present
  6. Dehydration does not occur
  7. Nausea and vomiting is less common

Presence of tumor in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland may also include the following symptoms:

  1. Headache
  2. Impaired peripheral vision
  3. Infertility
  4. Impotence
  5. Hoarseness
  6. Fatigue
  7. Constipation
  8. Short stature in children
  9. Delayed puberty


Primary Adrenal Insufficiency

Causes of primary adrenal insufficiency include:

  1. Autoimmune disease (such as autoimmune adrenalitis)
  2. Infection (Fungal infections, Tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.)
  3. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  4. Tumor of the adrenal gland
  5. Hemochromatosis
  6. Sarcoidosis
  7. Accidental removal of the adrenal gland as a result of kidney surgery

Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

  1. Causes of secondary adrenal insufficiency include:
  2. Tumor of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland
  3. Head injury
  4. Craniopharyngioma (benign tumor that damages the pituitary gland)
  5. Sudden withdrawal of long-term steroid therapy


Diagnosing adrenal insufficiency involves several tests to determine the extent of the condition, the type, and identify the underlying cause. Diagnostic tests include:

Cortisol Level testing

Blood sample is collected from a patient early in the morning. A very low result may indicate adrenal insufficiency. A very high level of cortisol may indicate Cushing’s disease (overproduction of adrenal hormones).

ACTH Stimulation Test

This test ascertains the presence of adrenal insufficiency and establishes a primary adrenal insufficiency. The cortisol level is usually measured and then high doses of ACTH are administered through the vein. A blood sample is again collected after 60 minutes. A very low level of cortisol, despite the administration of ACTH, indicates primary adrenal insufficiency.

ACTH level Testing

ACTH level testing also determines if the problem is primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency. A high ACTH level indicates primary adrenal insufficiency and a low ACTH level indicates secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Determining the underlying cause

In order to determine the underlying reason for the insufficiency, series of tests are done such as:

  1. Chest X-rays to determine tuberculosis
  2. Abdominal CT scan to check the adrenal glands for any defect
  3. MRI of the cranium to determine tumors in the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.
  4. A detailed medical history is also obtained to determine medication use including steroids or cytotoxic drugs.


Treatment of adrenal insufficiency is usually successful. Early detection is essential for prompt treatment when complications are not yet present. Treatment also involves lifelong duration of hormonal therapy to normalize adrenal hormone levels. It also depends on the type of adrenal insufficiency.

Primary Adrenal insufficiency

Treatment of primary insufficiency involves administering exogenous glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid for life. Androgen is also given to women. Proper administering of hormones is necessary to prevent high levels that may lead to Cushing’s syndrome.

Glucocorticoid Therapy

Prednisone is one of the most common exogenous glucocorticoid given to patients. However, other steroids such as Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone and dexamethasone may also be used.

Monitoring during treatment is important to assess rapid weight gain and puffy face because it usually indicates over-dosage of the steroid. Over-dosage may potentially lead to over-thinning of the bones. Dosage is usually tailored to the body weight of the patient. Obese patients may need higher doses and children and elderly may require lower doses.

Mineralocorticoid Therapy

Mineralocorticoid therapy includes the use of Fludrocortisone Acetate (Florinef), an oral synthetic mineralocorticoid. The administration of the drug is monitored by regularly checking the blood pressure and potassium levels. Over-dosage may lead to hypertension and hypokalemia because of increase in retention of sodium and water.

Androgen Therapy

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is given daily to women to improve libido and over-all sense of well-being. Men do not require androgen therapy because the testes still functions in the production of testosterone. Side-effects include acne, a deepened voice, and facial hair associated with elevated testosterone levels.

Intravenous fluids may also be given to address dehydration.

Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

Secondary adrenal insufficiency only needs glucocorticoid replacement because production of mineralocorticoid and androgen is usually not affected.


Prognosis of treated and monitored patients is usually good. Most patients have a normal life and an average life expectancy. Children who are treated can also experience growth and puberty without any problems. Complication of untreated adrenal insufficiency includes adrenal crisis as manifested by severe abdominal pains, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, profound muscle weakness, depression, confusion, marked hypotension, fever, kidney failure, weight loss, and shock which may lead to death.

Adrenal crisis is a life-threatening condition that occurs because of exposure to infection, trauma and other forms of stress. Adrenal crisis requires an emergency medical treatment. An emergency injection of glucocorticoid should be given. Family members or caregivers should be taught to administer injections of glucocorticoids at home in case of adrenal crisis. Emergency measures also include administering of intravenous fluids in bolus to treat severe dehydration. Mineralocorticoids are also given once the patient is stable. The underlying cause is also treated to prevent another adrenal crisis.

Patients are taught the signs and symptoms of adrenal crisis for early detection and management.


People with adrenal insufficiency should have a medical alert bracelet to ensure proper management during emergency situations. They should also have an information card listing the medications and doses, including contact person during emergencies.

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Top 8 Phenergan Side Effects

Feb 10 2014 Published by under Side Effects

Way different from Nitrofurantoin side effects or Cetirizine side effects, Phenergan is a medication that is classified under antihistamine which works to block the effects of the natural chemical called histamine which is located in one’s body. Phenergan is used effectively in the treatment of symptoms like runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, skin rashes, and itching per se. In addition to that, the Phenergan is also known to prevent experiencing motion sickness as well as treat vomiting and nausea or perhaps pain that is experienced after any surgical procedure. Aside from the ones which were mentioned, it is also used as a sleep aid or sedative.

Phenergan Side Effects

Persons who are taking in Phenergan should be mindful of the Phenergan side effects. The following are Phenergan side effects:

1. Extrapyramidal Symptoms

According to studies done, persons taking in Phenergan may experience Extrapyramidal symptoms which are manifested via muscular movement which are involuntary, muscular tone which alters and inability to sit still or akathisia, torticollis, protrusion of the tongue as well as Parkinsonism.

2. Respiratory side effect

Persons who are taking in Phenergan are also at risk for respiratory side effects, which is one of the Phenergan side effects, which can be manifested via nasal stuffiness, asthma, respiratory depression and worse or fatal condition of apnea.

3. Hypersensitivity

This is a rare form and part of the Phenergan side effects which is hypersensitivity. Under which the person may experience angioneurotic edema, tightening of the chest, difficulty breathing, itchy feeling, swelling, redness, rashes and the like.

4. Dermatological side effects

Some persons, who will take in Phenergan, will sometimes experience dermatological side effects, which are part of the Phenergan side effects, such as photosensitivity, urticaria and dermatitis. These side effects are also linked with allergic reactions brought about by the intake of the medication.

5. Hematological side effects

Phenergan side effects also include hematological side effects. Persons who are taking in Phenergan have reported to have abnormal blood study results such as lowered white blood cell counts which can cause health problems such as promotion of frequent infectious attacks and also a decrease in platelet count which may in turn lead to bleeding and bruising episodes.

6. Gastrointestinal side effects

Still others have gastrointestinal side effects manifested by vomiting, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances and dryness of the mouth.

7. Nervous system reactions

These nervous system reactions are common part of the Phenergan side effects. Most persons who have nervous system reactions include a feeling of dizziness, blurring of vision, hallucination, insomnia, sedation, double vision, fatigue, tremors, euphoria, tinnitus and nervousness.

8. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

This is a rare and yet a fatal medical condition that is reported to be part of the Phenergan side effects. Persons who have Neuroleptic malignant syndrome will experience high grade fever, autonomic instability, muscular rigidity, labile form of blood pressure and changes in the cognitive aspect of the person such as a report of delirium. This condition is also associated in the elevation of the plasma creatine phosphokinase. Treatment for such rare condition will be base on supportive treatment therapy.

Other side effects include:

  • Constipation
  • Impotence
  • Gaining of weight
  • Joint pain
  • Impotence
  • Seizures

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Degenerative Arthritis – Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Types

Feb 05 2014 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Degenerative Arthritis?

Degenerative arthritis is a medical condition involving the wearing or degeneration of the cartilage in the joints, leading to contact between two bones. Degenerative arthritis is also termed as osteoarthritis. The cartilage in the joints is responsible for the motion of the joint as well as limiting the friction and tension between bones in the joints. In degenerative arthritis, the cartilage is damaged, leading to increased friction between the bones. Degenerative arthritis is most commonly seen in weight-bearing joints in the body such as the neck, knees and hips, but it can also occur in other joints. The damage in the joint also causes certain changes in the joint capsule as a result of inflammatory response and healing.

The initial response of the joints is to damage the formation of osteophytes in the cartilage. Because of this, there is further narrowing in the joint space. The osteophytes result in the growth of subchondral cysts in the cartilage.

Symptoms of Degenerative Arthritis

Symptoms of degenerative arthritis include:

  • Joint pain

The constant friction in the joint causes inflammatory response in the area causing pain. Pain is characterized as burning and sharp on the joint area, including the muscles. Cold temperatures usually aggravate the pain. The pain is relieved by gentle motions but becomes severe with high impact use.

  • Stiffness of joints

The other structures such as the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the area are also affected, leading to limited motions of the joint. The cartilage that normally allows for smooth motion of the joints is damaged and causes stiffness in the area.

  • Swelling of the joint

The joint also appears swollen because of underlying inflammatory processes in the area.

  • Crepitus

When moving the joint, a characteristic crackling sound is heard because of contact between the bones in the joint.

  • Heberden’s nodes

Heberden’s nodes are bony enlargements on the distal interphalangeal joint. These appear because of the growth of subchondral cysts in the joints. These are often not painful.

  • Bouchard’s nodes

These are similar to Bouchard’s nodes in that they occur on the proximal interphalangeal joints.

  • Joint effusion

The joints may also develop collection of water or fluid as a result of accumulation of synovial fluid in the area.

Degenerative Arthritis at various places

Degenerative arthritis is most commonly located at weight-bearing joints, but it can also occur in all joints of the body. The most common locations include:

Degenerative Arthritis of the Spine

The spine is a common site of degeneration because it bears the weight of the back and the head. The spine can also be affected by trauma and various inflammatory conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, leading to degenerative arthritis.

Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee

The knee is also a common location especially among obese patients because of increased tension in the area as the knees bear the weight of the body.

Degenerative Arthritis of the Neck

The neck or cervical spine carries the weight of the cranium and its contents. It also has several ranges of motion, which increases the stress in cervical joints.

Types of Degenerative Arthritis


Primary degenerative arthritis is a type of joint disorder caused by the actual  destruction of the joint due to genetic factors. Primary osteoarthritis causes the water content of the cartilage to decrease. The loss of fluid is associated with aging. The absence of protective fluid or proteoglycan causes the cartilage to become susceptible to damage. Primary osteoarthritis is classified as nodal osteoarthritis and erosive osteoarthritis. Nodal osteoarthritis involves the formation of nodes in the joints, while the erosive type involves the progressive destruction of the joint. The erosive form tends to be more severe but less common than nodal osteoarthritis.

Secondary Osteoarthritis

Secondary osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that results from the degeneration of joints as a result of underlying conditions.

Causes of Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative arthritis is caused by certain factors. Primary and secondary osteoarthritis have different causative factors. The main cause of primary osteoarthritis is genetics. Aging is an aggravating factor because of the normal degeneration of the joint. Secondary osteoarthritis is caused by various factors such as:

  • Obesity

Obesity is one of the most common causes of secondary arthritis because of increased tension on the cartilage on weight-bearing joints.

  • Congenital disorders

Congenital disorders of the joints involve the presence of defects in the area since birth, leading to an increased risk for developing degenerative arthritis.

  • Inflammatory disorders

Inflammatory disorders such as Lyme disease and Perthe’s disease increase the tendency to develop similar inflammatory condition in the joint.

  • Metabolic disorders

Disease such as diabetes and Wilson’s disease also lead to increased degradation of the joints.

  • Trauma

Trauma to the joints or ligaments also leads to tearing and injury to the area.

Treatment of Degenerative Arthritis

Various treatments for degenerative arthritis include:

Weight Loss

Losing weight is an important management for osteoarthritis to prevent further stress and tension in the joints.


Exercise is also essential for patients with osteoarthritis. Stretching exercises are more beneficial because they strengthen the muscles and structures around the joints, thereby providing more support.

Anti-inflammatory medications

Medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen relieve inflammation and pain. Aspirin may also be used, but it can cause adverse reactions such as gastric irritation and bleeding in the joints. Newer medications such as celecoxib can prevent these effects. Cymbalta, an antidepressant drug, is also effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

Warm compress

Warm compresses may be placed on they areas for 15 minutes, three times a day to relax the muscles and relieve pain.

Alternative medications

Chondroitin and glucosamine can also be given to patients as food supplements. These substances are a natural component of the synovial fluid. Taking these drugs may help in the synthesis of collagen in the cartilage, thereby increasing the integrity of joints.


Surgery becomes the last treatment for degenerative arthritis. This may involve osteomy, the removal of the subchondral cysts, and chondroplasty,  the repair of the cartilage. Severe cases may require joint replacement by artificial prostheses.

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Phenphedrine Side Effects

Feb 04 2014 Published by under Side Effects

Apart from Alcohol side effects or ganoderma lucidum side effects, Phenphedrine is a weight loss pill and it is the solution for persons who want to lose some weight. It is brought about by the modern scientific technological breakthrough. The drug company claimed that it is a fat burner and has various natural made stimulants which lead to a boost in the regular metabolism of the person. In addition to that, the drug company claims that it decreases the effectivity of the negative hormones which leads to gaining of weight.

Phenphedrine drug

Phenphedrine Pills

Phenphedrine Side Effects

The following are the Phenphedrine side effects which one should take note of:

1. Dependency and addictive

The Phenphedrine is known to have amphetamine which is a central nervous system stimulant medication. Scientifically speaking, the central nervous system stimulant can be addictive to some persons. In addition to that, amphetamine may also have the tendency to make the person addictive and in the long run dependent, which is part of the Phenphedrine side effects, on the medication. Also, in the brain it promotes euphoria and pleasure in a person. Some persons, because of the want of losing weight in an easy way, would opt to be dependent on the medication.

2. Problems involving the stomach

Phenphedrine may inhibit lipase which is a gastrointestinal enzyme. Normally, lipase works to cut the dietary fat into tiny pieces for the body to absorb. When it is inhibited, fat can no longer be digested and is excreted to one’s stool. Hence, under stomach problems, which are part of the Phenphedrine side effects, the person may experience problems in controlling the movements of the bowel, gas discharges, diarrhea, oily spotting and frequent stools.

3. High blood pressure

Phenphedrine also is composed of phentermine which is another central nervous system stimulant. What happens is that this has a tendency to enter into one’s bloodstream and goes to the person’s brain and stimulates the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is in charge of norepinephrine which is normally released by the body whenever the body is in danger. Despite of the fact that, this medication suppresses one’s appetite, it may also lead to having high blood pressure, nervousness, insomnia, and increase in heart rate and sweating episodes.

4. Palpitations

As mentioned earlier, the Phenphedrine is composed of sibutramine and phentermine which will lead to an increase in the heart rate or palpitation episodes, which is included in the list of Phenphedrine side effects.

5. Taste changes

Another part of the Phenphedrine side effects is that the taste changes. This is a common side effect when taking this medication.

6. Sleeplessness and nervousness

Common Phenphedrine side effects are sleeplessness and nervousness which is according to study conducted. Phenphedrine is known to compose of phentermine, phendimetrazine, and diethlproprion which lead to such side effects.

7. Injury to the liver

There have been reports that liver injury may be brought about by the intake of Phenphedrine. This is another entry in the Phenphedrine side effects which results to having to experience short term symptoms and damage in the long term basis.

8. Anxiety

Brought about by an increase in the blood pressure and heart rate, which are both Phenphedrine side effects, the person is at risk to experience an increase in anxiety as well as nervousness. This side effect may interfere with the person’s sleeping pattern and may also lead to headaches and irritability.

9. Lung disease

This is a high risk side effect in persons taking in Phenphedrine, which is the presence of lung disease. The combination of fenfluramine and phentermine which is a known ingredient in Phenphedrine, according to study, has been linked to the medical condition called primary pulmonary hypertension which is a condition wherein the lung capillaries thickens and makes the person experience difficulty in breathing.

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