Archive for December, 2013

Bleeding After Menopause – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Dec 24 2013 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Vaginal Bleeding after Menopause?

Bleeding after menopause or post-menopausal vaginal bleeding is the occurrence of vaginal bleeding after the woman has undergo menopausal stage. It may be confusing for women because they are already aware that they have reached menopausal stage and yet, bleeding is still recurring.

Bleeding after menopause also becomes frightening for women because they may feel that something is wrong inside their uterus. Although some bleeding after menopause may be normal because of menopausal therapies, some may be due to more serious problems that is crucial to be noted.

Bleeding menopause has characteristic points such as:

  • There is already cessation of menstruation for more than a year before the post menopausal bleeding occurred.
  • Post menopausal bleeding may be experienced by up to 30% of menopausal women.
  • Bleeding after menopause can be light flow or heavy flow depending on the cause.
  • Post menopausal bleeding is primarily concerned with hormonal shift.
  • Rare cases of post menopausal bleeding are caused by more serious problems in the uterus.

Post menopausal bleeding is highly treatable. The woman should seek consult as early as possible in order to detect early any possible underlying conditions in the reproductive tract. It is also important to note the characteristic of the bleeding in order for physicians to have a broader view of the condition.

Bleeding after menopause anatomy

Bleeding after Menopause Image

What Causes Bleeding after Menopause?

Causes of bleeding after menopause are vast, which may involve mild to severe factors. These include:

Hormonal Replacement Therapy – Hormonal replacement therapy is given to regain normal estrogen and progesterone hormonal levels, which reduces the menopausal symptoms. Because of the fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone, post menopausal bleeding may occur.

Poor Vaginal Lubrication – Poor lubrication of the vagina may cause irritation and bleeding during vaginal intercourse. Poor lubrication may also lead to painful intercourse.

Trauma – Trauma from a foreign body or penis may also lead to post menopausal bleeding.

Use of Steroids and Anti-coagulant Therapy – The use of these medications for other conditions may lead to impaired clotting mechanism of the blood thereby leading to possible bleeding after menopause.

Kidney, liver and thyroid diseases that may lead to clotting problems – Kidney, liver and thyroid diseases all contribute to the development of clotting problems because of impaired clotting mechanism of the blood. When these happen during menopausal stage, it may lead to abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Infections – Sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia may also cause vaginal bleeding after menopause.

Endometriosis – Endometriosis is the excessive proliferation of the endometrial lining. This condition usually leads to bleeding even after menopause.

Malnutrition and Stress – These factors also lead to post menopausal bleeding because of altered hormone levels.

Reproductive tract cancers – Cancers of the reproductive tract especially the uterus may lead to abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Anti-cancer drugs – Treatments for cancer also lead to vaginal bleeding. This is especially noted in breast cancer medications because of hormonal content.

Associated Symptoms

Common symptoms of bleeding after menopause include:

  • Abdominal, lower back and pelvic pain
  • Pain in these areas is commonly due to uterine contraction similar when a person is undergoing menstruation.
  • Dyspareunia
  • Pain during sexual intercourse may also be experienced because of irritation of the vagina
  • Fatigue
  • Fatigue is a sign of decreasing levels of hemoglobin as a result of bleeding after menopause.
  • Mood swings
  • Mood swings may be related to hormonal shifts that occur along with post-menopausal bleeding.

Danger signs of post menopausal bleeding may include:

  • Fever and chills
  • Fever and chills may be a sign of ongoing infection due to proliferation of bacteria in the blood.
  • Tachycardia
  • A fast heart rate is an early sign of reduced blood volume or hypovolemia brought by vaginal bleeding.
  • Change in bowel movements
  • Changes in bowel movements from diarrhea to constipation and vice versa may be a sign of reproductive malignancy that has metastasized to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Sudden, unexplained weight loss may also indicate cancer because the cancer cells are consuming most of the nutrients in the body.

Treatment for Bleeding after Menopause

The treatment of vaginal bleeding focuses in ceasing the bleeding to prevent hypovolemia. Treatments also involve symptomatic relief of patients. These include:

Gynecologic Surgery

The primary management of post menopausal vaginal bleeding is surgery. Dilatation and curettage is usually done to scrape the excess uterine lining responsible for post menopausal bleeding. The procedure is done under general anesthesia or by sedation. It involves the use of a curette, a special surgical instrument used to scrape the dysfunctional cells in the uterus.

surgical procedure for abnormal menstrual bleeding

Surgical procedure to treat underlying physiological cause of bleeding after menopause

Image source:

Anti-fibrinolytic medication

Anti-fibrinolytic medications are given to prevent the destruction of fibrin clots in the body. In this way, the fibrin clots are not dissolved promoting blood clotting. An example of this medication is Tranexamic acid. However, this medication is contraindicated to patients with history of thromboembolism because it may lead to heart attack or stroke.

Platelet transfusion

Platelet transfusion is given to those who have low platelet count. Platelets are responsible for the initial step in blood coagulation.

Other remedies for post menopausal vaginal bleeding include:

  • Using pads instead of tampons to prevent irritation of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Avoid using aspirin as an antipyretic or anti-inflammatory medication to prevent thinning of the blood.
  • Change pads regularly to prevent life-threatening infection or sepsis.

Risks of Bleeding after Menopause

Bleeding after menopause requires immediate consultation to a gynecologist even if some cases remain to be normal as part of menopausal transition. This is because bleeding after menopause can result to various complications especially when the woman experiences heavy vaginal bleeding. Risks include:


Hypovolemia is the most common complication of post-menopausal bleeding because of heavy bleeding that depletes the blood volume of patients.


When bleeding becomes persistent, it may lead to cardiovascular collapse as manifested by severe hypotension.


Sepsis may also result from bleeding after menopause because the blood in the vagina may harbor pathogens. When the infection spreads to the blood, it may lead to sepsis and possible septic shock.

These risks may be life-threatening so early detection and treatment is necessary to prevent severe complications.

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Chapped Lips – Home Remedies, Treatment, Causes

Dec 16 2013 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Cracked Lips?

Cracked lips, also called as Chapped Lips is a condition where your lips are dry, peeling, or cracked. Breaks can be visible in the lips that can cause an individual lips to become painful and bleed. Usually cracked lips don’t mean that an individual has a serious medical condition and it doesn’t pose any medical risk. The reason why people have cracked lips is that the oil that is naturally created by the body that coats the lips is deficient.

Chapped Lips

Crack Lips Image

Symptoms of Chapped Lips

  • There is a loss of moisture
  • The patient can experience slight pain
  • There is a feeling of dryness
  • The lips become rough and reddish
  • Bleeding
  • Peeling

Causes of Chapped Lips

  • One of the reason is over exposure to the sun
  • Exposure to cold wind
  • Dehydration
  • Use of soaps that removes the natural moisture of the lips
  • There is a lack of Vitamin A, B, C in the body
  • Allergy
  • Infections
  • Frequent smoking
  • There is a lack of Vitamin B2
  • Skin disorders
  • Common Cold

Treatment for Chapped Lips

  • Application of sunscreen in the lips to add for protection
  • Applying lip balm especially during cold weather
  • Increase oral fluid intake especially during workouts or any activities that let you body perspire a lot.
  • Reduce or change medications that causes a person to have a chapped lips but always ask the doctors advise about the changing and reducing the medicines
  • Apply moisturizer on the lips rather than wetting it using your tongue
  • If a person use lipstick, make sure that you put a moisturizer first before you put on the lipstick
  • Always apply a moisturizer on your lips at night
  • Never peel the dry skin from your lips instead use a moisturizer on the affected part and it will go automatically

cracked lips treatment

Apply Lip Balm on the lips to help maintain the moisture of lips.

Image Source:

Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

  • One of the most recommended remedy is to drink a lot of fluid to avoid dryness in both skin and in the lips.
  • Applying Lip Balm or Petroleum jelly on the lips to help maintain the moisture and to remain smooth.
  • Pure butter is also known for treating Cracked Lips.
  • Mixture of Rose petals and raw milk would help in treating dry lips and retaining the pinkish lip color.
  • Milk Cream is effective in removing dry dead skin and it also help to maintain the lips to be smooth.
  • Cucumber is also known to cure cracked lips
  • The juice from the grind Neem Leaves will also help to heal cracked lips.
  • Aloe Vera is also known to heal dry cracked lips.
  • Intake of foods that is rich in Vitamin A.
  • Mixture of Glycerin and honey will make a person lips become soft and smooth.
  • Castor oil is also known to cure dry cracked lips.
  • Apply sun screen in your lips to prevent dry patches and it helps heal dry lips.
  • For women who put lipstick, it is advised that you should put a moisturized based lipstick to maintain the moisture of the lips.
  • Wetting the lips with tongue can make the lips become darker in color and lose moisture so it is advised to use lip balm.

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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy – Indications, Procedure, Recovery, Cost

Dec 06 2013 Published by under Surgery

What is a Laparoscope?

Laparoscopic surgery involves the use of a laparoscope to visualize the abdominal cavity during surgery. The laparoscope is used to avoid a large abdominal incision or a laparotomy in order to see the abdominal contents.

A laparoscope is a special camera attached to a thin tube that is inserted through small incisions in the abdomen. There are two types of laparoscope which include:

1. Telescopic rod lens system

This is connected to either a three chips or single chip video camera used to visualize the organs.

2. Digital Laparoscope

This involves the connection of a charge-coupled device at the tip of the laparoscope. This does not use the rod lens system.

A fiber optic cable is also connected to a light source in the form of xenon or halogen to light up the field. The video taken by the laparoscope is then projected through a monitor to enable the surgeons to see what is happening inside the abdominal cavity.

The use of a laparoscope during surgery allows the performance of complex surgeries as well as minor surgeries without a large cut in the abdomen.

What is laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopy came from the Greek word lapara meaning loin or flank and skopein which means to view, see or examine. This is a minimally invasive surgical technique that involves only 3 to 4 small incisions in the abdomen. The incisions are usually up to less than an inch only to allow the laparoscope, tubes and other small instruments to be inserted through the abdominal wall. The abdomen is also insufflated using carbon dioxide gas in order to blow up the cavity like a balloon to easily navigate inside. Carbon dioxide is employed because this can be absorbed in the body and can be excreted through the breathing process. This gas is also non-flammable which renders it safe to use for surgeries.

Laparoscopy can be used on almost all abdominal surgeries including hysterectomy. The conventional way of performing hysterectomy is through laparotomy or abdominal hysterectomy, which creates a large incision on the abdomen. But with the advent of technology, hysterectomy can be done in a minimally invasive procedure through laparoscopy. The first hysterectomy involving laparoscopy was done in 1988 in Pennsylvania by Harry Reich.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy can be performed using two techniques which include:

  • Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH)

Total laparoscopic hysterectomy involves the manipulation of the uterus through the use of a laparoscope. The uterus is then cut into smaller pieces in order to evacuate the tissues through the small incisions in the abdominal wall.

  • Laparoscopic-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH)

Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy involves the manipulation of the uterus using a scope inserted in the abdominal cavity. Once the uterus is detached, it is removed vaginally.

Adhesions, endometriosis and adnexal mass cases can also be managed through laparoscopic hysterectomy.


Indications of Laparoscopic hysterectomy are similar to that of the conventional abdominal hysterectomy which includes:

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding is unexplained bleeding for more than 7 days caused by certain factors such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, bleeding diastesis and endometriosis.

  • Vaginal Hysterectomy is not feasible.

When vaginal hysterectomy is not feasible due to adnexal masses, endometriosis, adhesions, narrow suprapubic arc or narrow vaginal wall as seen in nulliparous women, laparoscopic hysterectomy may be employed.

  • Stage 1 uterine, cervical or ovarian cancer

Removal of the reproductive organs because of cancer is also performed using laparoscopic surgery.

  • Endometrial carcinoma

Malignancies in the endometrium can also be removed using laparoscopic hysterectomy

  • Severe endometriosis with cul-de-sac involvement

Severe endometriosis can be managed using abdominal hysterectomy; however patients may consider a laparoscopic surgery to minimize large incisions.


Contraindications for laparoscopic hysterectomy include:

  • Postpartum hysterectomy
  • Too large adnexal masses which cannot be evacuated through the small incisions.

The access to the uterus and size of it are also considered before undergoing laparoscopic surgeries.


Preoperative Procedure

Several managements are employed before starting the surgery to limit complications and make the surgery easier. These include:

  1. Administration of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone analogues 2 to 3 months before the procedure to reduce the size of the myoma or uterus.
  2. Treatment of anemia prior to the procedure to prevent severe hypoxia during the procedure.
  3. Abdominal and perineal skin preparation. The pubic hair and abdominal hair needs to be shaved to prevent infection.
  4. Bowel and bladder preparation. The patient is given laxatives or enema to clean the colon to prevent evacuation of feces during the procedure because anesthesia relaxes the anal sphincter. The client is also asked to void prior to transfer to the operating room to prevent the bladder from occupying large space on the abdominal cavity which may hinder visualization of the uterus.
  5. A prophylactic dose of antibiotics is given to prevent infection.
  6. Dentures, jewelries and nail polish are removed prior to transport of the patient.

Once the patient is in the operating room, other pre-operative procedures are done such as:

  1. Positioning the patient. The patient is initially positioned in a supine position for anesthesia induction. General endotracheal anesthesia is usually used. The patient is then placed to a Trendelenburg position (the body is tilted 30 degrees with the head part lower and the foot part higher than the rest of the body.
  2. The arms are padded to prevent brachial plexus injury.
  3. Electrosurgical dispersive pads are applied.
  4. Skin preparation is done by the use of iodine starting from the umbilicus going out extending up to the nipples and pubic symphysis down to the labia. The inner thighs are also painted with iodine when LAVH is performed.
  5. Urinary catheter is inserted to allow the draining of the urine during the entire procedure.

Intra-operative Procedure & Technique

The operation is started once the patient is prepared. Steps in undergoing the laparoscopic hysterectomy include:

  1. Drapes are applied aseptically using a special laparoscopy sheet over the abdomen.
  2. Three small incisions are made in the abdominal wall including an opening in the umbilicus.
  3. Trocars are placed in these incisions to allow the instruments and tubes to be inserted and supported in place.
  4. The abdominal cavity is insufflated with carbon dioxide gas to create a pneumoperitoneum.
  5. The laparoscope is inserted through the umbilicus to visualize the cavity.
  6. Other instruments are also inserted through the trocars which include a cutting instrument, guide, scissors or coagulation forceps and others. The surgeon guides the use of the instruments through a thin tube connected to them.
  7. The surgeon uses the image on the monitor to visualize the internal portion of the peritoneum.
  8. The uterine pedicle is tied with an absorbable suture to form a knot. The uterine vessels are then ligated between the knots. Bipolar forceps can also be used to create hemostasis. The uterine vessels are exposed to electric energy in order to prevent blood flow.
  9. The uterus is elevated to allow separation of the ureters and prevent severing the organ.
  10. The uterus is then detached from the ligaments, tubes and blood vessels where it is connected.
  11. The uterus is also detached from the cervix and vagina depending on the extent of the disease. For LAVH, the uterus is evacuated vaginally.
  12. Other reproductive organs such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes may be assessed and removed depending on the extent of the malignancy.
  13. The uterus is extracted from the small incisions through dissecting the organ in small parts.
  14. The abdominal cavity is washed with an antiseptic solution.
  15. The intraperitoneal carbon dioxide is removed.
  16. Vaginal and abdominal suturing is done to close the operative field.

A drain may also be placed on the incision site to allow gas, fluids and blood to drain from the abdominal cavity. It is removed 1 to 2 days after the drainage have ceased.

Post operative Recovery

Laparoscopic surgery reduces the recovery time of the patient post-operatively. The hospital stay after a laparoscopic hysterectomy is usually 2 to 3 days as compared to abdominal hysterectomy, which is 3 to 5 days.

Full recovery can extend up to 6 months and patients should employ measures to hasten the healing and prevent complications such as:

  1. Early ambulation to prevent stasis of blood.
  2. Proper breathing exercises to prevent build-up of pulmonary secretions.
  3. Consumption of Vitamin C and protein rich foods to hasten wound healing.


Complications of laparoscopic hysterectomy include:

  • Injury to the ureters
  • Injury to the bladder
  • Injury to the bowels
  • Hemorrhage
  • Infection
  • Delayed injury to the urinary tract
  • Hematoma formation
  • Ileus
  • Thromboembolism


Laparoscopic surgeries usually result in abdominal pain as a result of the stretching of the abdominal walls with the use of carbon dioxide insufflations. The patient may report vague abdominal pains, cramps and flatulence. The patient may also pass flatus frequently until all the gas is released.


Laparoscopic surgeries are more expensive than open surgeries because only expert surgeons are able to do such. The average cost of laparoscopic hysterectomy is around $7,000 to $9,000. However, the hospital stay is reduced so hospital costs are generally cheaper.

Surgery Time

The entire procedure can last for 1 to 5 hours depending on the extent of disease. Laparoscopic surgery is slightly longer than open surgeries because the surgeon has limited view of the area.

Advantages & Benefits of laparoscopic hysterectomy

The advantages of laparoscopic hysterectomy over abdominal hysterectomy include:

  • Smaller incision
  • Shorter recovery period
  • Lesser scarring
  • Lower  risk for bleeding
  • Lesser pain sensation because of smaller incisions
  • Reduced hospital stay which reduces hospital costs
  • Faster assumption of daily activities
  • Lower risk of infection because of lesser exposure of the abdominal organs to the environment.

Despite these advantages, laparoscopic surgery is still controversial for pediatric surgery. Laparoscopic surgery also tends to have lesser efficacy because the surgeon is not able to have a complete visualization of other organs. Before undergoing laparoscopic surgeries, it is advised that patients review the pros and cons of the procedure.


Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Procedure

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Zipper Piercing On Tongue – Side Effects, Procedure, Real or Fake?

Dec 04 2013 Published by under Body Piercing

What is Zipper Piercing?

Zipper Piercing is a form of body piercing that is done in the tongue. It became a trend in many girls and it is known as one of the weirdest type of body piercing. This zipper piercing cause a wild fire in many people who like to have piercing but this is just still an idea and just waiting for someone to turn it to reality.

Zipper Piercing on Tongue

Zipper Piercing Image

Image Source:

How is it done?

It is done by an expert in the field of piercing. Usually you will sign a consent about that you know the process of how is it done, the after effects and the possible dangers if not taken well off. There are still no specific process on how is it done because until today it’s not yet put into a reality just a mere imagination of the maker of it. It’s best that you will go to an expert and known person that is expert in body piercing in order for you to avoid any problems that might risk your health.

Side Effects of Zipper Piercing

I will focus on the side effects of piercing not literally on Zipper Piercing. These are the common side effects:

  • If the piercing is not properly done by an expert it can cause nerve damage. Nerve damage that can cause paralyzing a part of the body. It is advised that you will undergo body piercing in an expert to avoid these unexpected problems.
  • Possible of cross contamination by using dirty unsterilized needle. Make sure that the needles that are using are sterilized and new to avoid contamination that can lead in having infection that can lead in having a health problem. It’s better first to ask and investigate first to the shop that you are planning to make yourself pierced to avoid problems like contamination.
  • You might get allergies especially if your skin is sensitive to the products that are used in piercing. Ask first what kind of anesthesia or medications that will give to you and ask for skin testing to know if you are allergic with the medications that you are using, it’s better that you ask because allergic reactions vary from people and sometime reactions can be life threatening.
  • You can get infection if you don’t take care and clean daily the pierced area. Infection from the materials that are used to you or because of not following the after care that is advised to you. It’s better that you understand and follow the instructions to avoid getting infected that will cause more problems. Prevention is still way better than cure.
  • It can be painful especially in some parts like tongue and naval piercing. Make sure that you are aware of the pain that result from the pierced area. There are people that are very sensitive to pain so better that you know first before getting any pierced in any part of the body.
  • One of the common side effects is that after the piercing it can form keloids or marks on the area that is pierced. This normally due to wrong way it was pierced or the individual who has a new piercing didn’t take care of it that will cause a formation of scars.

It’s Long Terms Effects

This will focus in the different long term effects if you get a body piercing. The long term effects are:

For ears:

  • It can make the lobes of ears stretch especially if you used earrings that is larger than a normal and to make it go back to its normal state you are advised to go for reconstructive surgery. It’s better that you know the specific earring you want to wear in order to avoid creating a large hole which eventually must be fixed through reconstructive surgery.

For tongues cheeks and lips:

  • Possible disease transmission like Hepatitis and Herpes Simplex
  • Feeling of numbness or loss of sensation if there is nerve that has been damage. It’s better to ask first about the pros and cons and how is the after care for each type of piercing.
  • Gum disease or infection if the person is not following the aftercare given by the expert.
  • Chipped and damage teeth due to misusing the rings that an individual put in there tongue.
  • Excessive saliva production that can eventually lead into drooling that makes an individual uncomfortable.
  • For worst scenario, it can lead to speech impairment if there are nerves that become affected due to the piercing.

For other areas of the body:

  • Scars can developed that will depend on the location of the piercing
  • Possible loss of sensitivity due to the improper handling of pierced areas as well as going to a salon that is not expert in body piercing.

Is it Real or Fake?

Zipper Piercing is still an imagination but it can be real. There are many people who are just fond of creating new images in the photo shop to make new weird images and just having a good imagination. Zipper Piercing concept is real that there is a possibility that you can split a tongue and put a zipper on it, you can unzip or zipped it any time the person want. Body art is a tradition that is done decades ago and still done and accepted now by the new generation. It is done by people as a symbol of status, success, spirituality, and principles. Let’s just wait and see as technology and art progresses this Zipper piercing can be true.

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Importance of Healthy Breakfast: SideEffects of Skipping

Dec 01 2013 Published by under General Health

Breakfast is the most missed meal especially during weekdays when people are rushing to go to the office, school or any appointments. Adults are often running late for work because they have not waked up early. Same is true for children going to school, where they don’t respond to the alarm and woke up late. They say that breakfast is the most important meal in a day, but is the most taken for granted.

Breakfast importance

People also skip breakfast for weight loss purposes, but is not very effective because skipping meals leads to hunger and increase in the amount of food you eat during lunchtime. Missing breakfast also leads to more frequency of snacks during the day, which increases the consumption of unhealthy, high calorie foods.

So why it is that breakfast becomes so very important? Here are reasons why one should not skip this early meal:

Uses of Breakfast

Breakfast gives energy.

Breakfast provides the energy required by the body to perform activities for the day. Energy comes from glucose that is found in foods. It is needed by the body to maintain body processes and metabolism. When a person does not eat breakfast, the tendency is having low energy throughout the day. The presence of energy gives the person 100% ability in doing daily tasks. The time interval from supper up to waking up is too long, which leads to decrease in glucose levels in the blood, which needs refueling by eating breakfast.

Breakfast enhances brain functioning

Glucose is also important in the brain’s function. Without glucose, there is decrease in mental alertness and critical thinking. A study has showed that children who eat breakfast perform better in school in terms of cognitive and motor skills. This is also the same for adults. Eating breakfast helps people in daily tasks that involve cognitive functioning. Breakfast also enhances memory and concentration.

Breakfast improves the mood

Changes in mood are caused by a reduction in serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that improves the mood and general well-being. The synthesis of serotonin is dependent on the presence of carbohydrates. When breakfast is missed, there is too little carbohydrate in the body that will stimulate the synthesis of serotonin leading to a bad mood. Eating breakfast provides a steady level of serotonin that promotes stable mood and general well-being.

Healthy Weight Maintenance

As opposed to the notion that missing breakfast helps in weight reduction, eating breakfast in fact helps in regulating the body weight. Skipping breakfast may lead to starvation during midday because of too little glucose is in the blood from supper. This results in increased hunger and increased consumption of food by lunch. As a result, more calories are placed in the body. In addition, skipping meals also lead to over eating of snacks because the person feels hungry even before lunchtime. Because of this, people would just get anything to eat, which is sometimes not healthy and has empty calories. As a result, there is increased risk for obesity among people who do not eat breakfast according to one study done. To prevent this, eating breakfast is the key. Breakfast provides adequate glucose needed during the day, which prevents overeating by lunchtime and a reduction in eating snacks during the day.

Breakfast increases family bonding

Eating breakfast not only improves the physical well-being, but the family dynamics as well. Eating breakfast together at the start of the day gives motivation and allows parents to give advice on what their children are going to do during the day.

Breakfast increases sense of responsibility

The consumption of breakfast means that family members are required to get up early rather than putting the alarm on snooze. Motivating one’s self to eat breakfast also motivates the person to sleep early at night, in order to rise early to prepare and eat breakfast. It is said that people who are able to eat breakfast have better time management skills.

Sideeffects of skipping breakfast

These are the most common reasons why breakfast is so important. It is best to start the day right in order to end it right. The most common sideeffects of skipping breakfast include:

  1. Weakness or lack of energy
  2. Poor concentration
  3. Poor memory
  4. Poor performance
  5. Mood changes
  6. Gastritis and abdominal cramps
  7. Bad breath (absence of food in the stomach produces unpleasant odor through the mouth)
  8. Overeating when one has the opportunity

Suggestions for good breakfast

In order to have a good breakfast to start the day, here are some suggestions:

Eat breakfast early. It is best to eat breakfast few minutes after waking up. However, if you are not used to eating breakfast early, you can take small meals such as a toast or boiled egg, and eat more food after an hour.

Eat appropriate foods during breakfast. Breakfast is the time where one should eat a complete meal to have nutrients needed for the day. A complete breakfast consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber. Carbohydrates fuel energy for the day and are found in rice, bread, grains, root crops, pasta and others. Protein is also essential for building and repairing cells. It also builds muscles for more strenuous activities. Fats in the form of polyunsaturated fats may be found in vegetable oils and fish oils. Fats provide essential fatty acids for body processes. During breakfast, the most important composition is carbohydrates because this gives available energy throughout the day.

Don’t rush eating. Rushing tends to eating only small portions of the meal. It is better to allot at least 30 minutes during breakfast to enjoy the meal and focus for the following activities. Rushing also lead to a flight and fight response, which depletes energy stores.

Breakfast indeed is the most important meal because this starts our day. Breakfast breaks the fast while we are asleep and restores the proper glucose levels that we need throughout the day. People should consider eating breakfast, but should also consider the quality of the meal and the time spent on it to have a good, quality breakfast.

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