Archive for May, 2017

Pimple on Lip

May 21 2017 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

A pimple is a soft, tiny red nodule filled with pus. It sometimes have black tip or none and may be painful. Unlike other kinds of acne, lip pimples are sometimes linked with an upsurge in the male hormone levels secreted by the adrenal glands.

Lip pimples can be displayed as skin lesions in the form of papules or pustules. It is caused by obstruction of the sweat glands. The follicles get congested and infected by bacteria, causing in swelling and inflammation. The inflammation process begin from a papule, pustule, and will then progress to a nodule.

Pimples on the lips are extremely painful and they will affect the way you chew and eat your food. When the lip is exposed to microorganisms, it can further worsen the condition of the pimple on the lip, which could further lead to a more serious problem.

There are bumps that can arise in tiny nodes and can affect both the upper and lower lips. Lip pimples are sometimes interchanged with cold sores (fever blisters-like lesion or herpes), with zits like acne or bumps, swollen blister appearances particularly on lower, upper, inside and on lip regions.

In facts, cold sores are caused by viral infection, a small blister, fluid-filled, itchy, and hot to touch. Other associated symptoms are fatigue, myalgia (muscle pain) and hyperpyrexia (abnormal increase in fever) (1, 2)

A rampant lip pimple due to cold sores or herpes.picture

Image 1 : A rampant lip pimple due to cold sores or herpes
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Nevertheless, if appropriate care is given, it can easily heal. However, the pimple in the lip might become worse. Moreover, the serious part is if you do not give proper care, it may lead to popping up of the horrible zits, which will deteriorate the skin’s appearance and similarly, slow the healing period. Therefore, it is better to understand the appropriate treatment and measures to cure the pimples.

Common causes of pimple on lip

  • Acne
  • Cold sores
  • Cancer
  • Bacterial infection
  • A contact allergy
  • Fordyce’s spots-commonly occurs in the mucous membrane, found in the border of the lip.(10)

Patient diagnosis with Fordyce

Figure 3 : Patient diagnosis with Fordyce’s spots
Picture Source

  • Sunburn (3)

Other causes are:

  • Allergic reactions – people have different types of skin and others are allergic to cosmetic products of the lips including lipstick and lip tint.
  • Chemical Lip products and makeups – The use of cheap lip products can cause harm to your lips, primarily because of the chemical ingredients.
  • Herpes infection – it can be a source of lip pimples.
  • Hormonal changes – Changes in the hormone level takes place during puberty. Stress can also cause hormonal change. The skin becomes oily which leads to the formation in some parts of the body including the lips.
  • Poor hygiene – unhygienic practice is one of the primary causes of lip pimples.
    Lip pimples after waxing
  • Certain chemicals in toothpaste – it is very important to use high quality products oral hygiene. Using no fluoride or less fluoride can minimize chances of lip pimples. Fluoride can cause acne and it can easily penetrate the mouth mucosa, but do not enter the skin wall. Look for a chlorhexidine-gluconate mouthwash, instead of a fluoride based toothpaste and to prevent tooth decay. Also, try to gargle with baking soda or sodium bicarbonate rather than other branded/commercialize mouthwash. This contains antibacterial properties and it whitens your teeth naturally.
  • Smoking – people who smoke is more likely susceptible to lip pimples.
  • Expired face products (4, 5)

The location of lip pimples

Upper Lip pimple

It is the most common part of the lip that gets pimples. It could be a normal pimple, but can be associated with herpes or cold sore. The common causes of upper lip pimple are:

  • Lip piercing – if the instruments use is not sterile, it produced an infected bump on the piercing site.
  • Waxing – wrong techniques of removing hair can irritate hair follicles that causes ingrown hair.
  • Threading – proper mechanism and clean techniques are important things to remember to prevent bulging or blister in the hair follicle. (6)

Bottom Lip pimple

Same with the upper pimple lip, we can also get zits on lower lip. Waxing, threading and piercing are some common reasons. Depending on the cause, it can be small, big, swollen and scattered.

Largely, other common sites of lip pimples are on the side portion of the lips and the adjacent portion of the lips. Pimple inside the mouth is caused by cold sores. In addition, appearances of the pimple also differ. Some become swollen due to forces of popping it using deity hands and accidental biting of the pimples during eating.

Others are big pimples secondary to swollen lip, which can become a cystic acne when not treated right away. To decrease swollen lip, use of warm/cold compresses is very significant. Pimples are not painful compared to cold sores, however it’s normal to have swollen pimples. Keeping away of the habit of pricking, popping out, or squeezing plays a great role in preventing further infection. (7)

How to get rid of pimple on lip?

The lip is a very sensitive part of the face and so extra attention is important. Never squeeze or pop lip pimples. Avoid touching it with dirty hands as it may spread the bacteria. It could worsen the existing pimples or could lead to the appearance of more pimples.

To prevent the infection and somehow ease the condition, you should do the following:

  1. Do not touch the pimple. Touching your lip frequently with your dirty hands can irritate and spread the bacteria onto your face.
  2. Clean the affected area of the lips with clean, antibacterial soap (sulfur) or glycerin soap.
  3. Maintain adequate hydration. Don’t allow your lips to become dry. Have an oral hydration.
  4. Use benzoyl peroxide/ salicylic acid. This can eradicate fungus and bacteria faster. Also, you may add tomato and green tea as they contain potent antioxidants, which helps get rid of pimples.
  5. Use only organic lip products. Avoid products that can irritate your lips. It is better to use water-based products as they have natural ingredients.
  6. Apply SPF Lip Balms during day time. Make it a habit to apply moisturizer daily.
  7. Apply a hot/cold compress for painful pimples.
  8. Always have a good oral hygiene. Stop touching your lips, or lip mocking to prevent the spread of bacteria.
  9. Take nutritious foods. Vitamin C can help increase immunity. Avoid oily foods.  Apply lime juice as it has antibacterial properties that will fight against germs.
  10. Consult your doctor for proper medical attention. If the lip pimple does not seem to go away despite desperate measures, then you need to see your doctor. It could indicate a more serious condition that warrants medical attention. (8, 9)

Medical and Surgical approaches

  • Use of steroids
  • Use of antihistamine
  • Use of antibacterial drugs
  • Pain relievers
  • Acyclovir
  • Laser therapy (cosmetics) (10)



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Armpit Rash

May 03 2017 Published by under Miscellaneous

Armpit rash is an itchy, painful, and burning sensation in the underarm area. It affects people of all ages, male, female, adult, and children. There is a significant change in the color and texture of the skin in the armpit.

There is a noticeable swelling and redness. Sometimes, a raised pimple-like bump appears. In severe condition, the skin in the armpit is scaly, blistered, flaky, and chapped. People who are active in sports and those who work in a humid environment are prone to armpit rash. The same thing goes for people with sensitive skin. (10)

An armpit rash characterized by severe redness and bump-like formation.imagePhoto 1 : An armpit rash characterized by severe redness and bump-like formation.
Picture Source :

A rah in the armpit characterized by redness and pimple-like structure.pictureImage 1 : A rash in the armpit characterized by redness and pimple-like structure.
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Cardinal signs and symptoms

  • White to reddish rash
  • Pimple-like appearance or bump
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Burning sensation
  • Pain in the armpit and its surrounding structure
  • Noticeable odor (1)

What can cause a rash under the armpit ?

  1. Shaving – A lot of women prefer to shave the hair on their armpit. However, shaving using old or dull razor might irritate the armpit. It could lead to razor burn, ingrown air, and infection, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  2. Heat rash or rash secondary to sweat – Blocked sweat ducts can trap perspiration under the skin. It is common in babies, but adults can experience it too. Aside from blocked ducts, heat rash in the armpit is also a result of moisture and friction. A lot of people are experiencing this during summertime.
  3. Rash caused by fungi and yeast infection – It affects not just the armpit but other parts of the body too such as the groin and skin folds. It also affects the areas in between the toes and fingers. It thrives in warm, sweaty, and moist area. The infection can also be multiplied if you have a poor hygiene and love wearing tight fitting clothes. Fungi and candida infection are prone to people whose immune system is compromised such as those with HIV and diabetes.
  4. Hidradenitis suppurativa – it pertains to a painful skin disease that causes abscesses and scarring. It commonly affects the breast, armpit, groin, buttocks, and anus. It is associated with an inflamed hair follicles.
  5. Armpit rash due to HIV – On the early stage of HIV infection, the patient will have HIV rash in various parts of the body particularly in the armpit, shoulders, and chest areas. The rashes are flat and barely raised and has reddish spots. The rash is not itchy and will disappear on its own within three weeks. If you still have the rashes, make sure you avoid hot showers and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  6. Rash caused by allergic reaction – Some brands of deodorants can cause rash, especially if you are allergic to the components of the deodorant. You will feel a burning and itching sensation after using the deodorant. There are many brands of deodorants out there and you have to find out which one is compatible with your skin. If you have hypersensitive skin, you might experience allergic reaction from lotions and creams.
  7. Lymphoma cancer – Lymphoma can lead to itchy rash in various parts of the body including the armpit. You will also experience swelling of the lymph nodes. (2, 3, 4)

Treatment and management of armpit rash

Rashes in the armpit make you feel uncomfortable. It is unsightly and embarrassing too. If you have an armpit rash, make sure that you treat it right away. The treatment varies, but your treatment choice should be based on the factors that cause the rash. There are home/natural remedies for armpit rash, but if it does not improve, then you have to opt for conventional treatment methods.

Home remedies for armpit rash

  • Applying cold compress – Get and ice and wrap in a clean cloth. It gives a cooling effect, alleviates pain, and reduces itching.
  • Essential oil – Tea tree oil gives a soothing feeling. It also helps reduce inflammation. You can also apply aloe vera gel to alleviate inflammation. To reduce the skin infection, you should have vitamin C.
  • Lemon extracts – Lemon has an antibacterial property and is a very good natural deodorant. Just swipe a slice of lemon under your underarm, but make sure you are not going to do it right after shaving or else you will have to endure a burning sensation.
  • Baking soda – To avoid sweat on the armpit area, you have to dust half a teaspoon of baking soda. You might also want to dilute a teaspoon of baking water in your bathing water.
  • Underarm rash cream – There are creams, ointments, lotions, and gels specially formulated to help get rid of armpit rash. In the case of armpit rash caused by fungi, an antifungal cream should be used. Hence, you have to consult your doctor to find out what is the root cause of your rash. The skin doctor will prescribe the best medicine for your rash. (5, 6, 7)

Simple remedies to get rid and prevent armpit rash

  • Maintain a good personal hygiene. See to it that you keep the armpit area clean at all times. Prevent sweating of the armpit as it can further irritate the rash. When cleaning the armpit area, you have to use a mild soap and wash it at least two times a day.
  • As much as possible, you have to avoid tight fitting clothes. Wear loose clothing made from natural fiber.
  • Pat dry the armpit rash and apply a layer of corn starch for it to dry out easily.
  • Do not rub the armpit area. Reduce friction in the armpit area by placing a soft piece of cloth.
  • If you notice pain and rashes in your armpit, it is a signal that you have to stop using any cosmetic products you put in your underarm such as deodorant, cream, antiperspirant, and lotion. If you are prone to underarm rash, you have to ask your dermatologist for a safer alternative to deodorant. An anti-chafing powder might work for your armpit rash.
    During summer month, you have to keep your room well ventilated, especially if you are prone to rashes. (8, 9)



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Scalloped Tongue

May 02 2017 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

Scalloped tongue is a term used to describe a tongue that has indentations along the sides. It is primarily caused by compression of the tongue against the surrounding teeth.

It is also described as wavy tongue edges, teeth marks on the side of the tongue, and crenated tongue. If the size of the tongue is larger than the usual, it has the tendency to press onto your teeth thereby causing the indentations. (1)

A tongue with severe teeth markings on the sides.picture

Image 1 : A tongue with severe teeth markings on the sides
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A tongue with mild teeth markings on the sides.imageFigure 2 : A tongue with mild teeth markings on the sides
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What are the symptoms of scalloped tongue?

  • A tongue that appears to be enlarged or swollen
  • There is a significant fissures and teeth markings on the sides of the tongue
  • An abnormally red tongue caused by too much pressure on the edges of the tongue
  • Other associated symptoms include pain, sore throat, and halitosis (bad breath). (3)

Causes of scalloped tongue

The scalloped tongue is not a disease itself, but it is an indicator that something not right is happening in your body. There are various causes of scalloped tongue. These are the following:

  • Macrogllossia (swollen tongue) – if the tongue has severe swelling, it causes pressure to the dental arches, which will result to a scalloped tongue. There are various causes for swelling of the tongue such as allergy, a result of an existing disease such as hypothyroidism and tongue cancer, and dehydration.
  • Thyroid problems – A scalloped tongue can be an indicator that you are having problems with your thyroid. It suggests an underactive thyroid gland or also known as hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones, which regulate the way the body uses energy and metabolism. Not having sufficient thyroid hormone could lead to slowing down of various bodily processes. Your face, especially your tongue appears swell. Particular s caused by insufficient thyroid hormone level are congenital hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, and Hashimoto’s disease. Aside from scalloped tongue, you will also experience thinning of the hair, hoarseness of voice, fatigue, muscle pain, constipation, drying of the skin, depression, and hypersensitivity to cold. This condition is usually corrected using hormone replacement therapy along with vitamin intake, stress management, and eating nutritious foods. (2, 4)
  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) – This condition is characterized by nerve and jaw muscle disorder. It is primarily caused by an injured temporomandibular joint. The usual symptoms include bruxism (tooth grinding), swelling on the sides of the face, clicking or popping jaw, headache, pain when chewing, and nerve inflation. It could lead to jaw instability. As a way of making yourself comfortable, you would try to clench your teeth using your tongue. Doing this regularly could lead teeth markings on the edge of the tongue. If the tongue is not swollen, however, there are still teeth markings on the edge of the teeth, it is an indicator that your lower jaw is narrow. It might also cause by developing a habit of pushing the tongue on the dental arches. The best remedy for temporomandibular joint syndrome is fixing the teeth. If the problem is still there, then the best remedy is to perform a jaw surgical remodelling.
  • Sleep apnea – This condition is characterized by one or more pauses in breathing while you are asleep. Sleep apnea can lead to scalloped tongue. If your breathing while sleeping is disrupted, it pulls the tongue back into the oral cavity. (5)
  • Spleen QI deficiency – This condition is suspected if the patient has a scalloped tongue along with other problems such as fissured and swollen tongue. With spleen QI deficiency, the spleen can no longer perform its digestive functions. As a result, your tongue looks pale, you get tired easily, unexplainable weight loss, pale face, and lack of appetite.
  • Mineral and vitamins deficiency – not having sufficient vitamins and minerals in the body can lead to a condition called megaloblastic anemia (excessive production of red blood cells). It is linked with deficiency in folate and vitamin B12. As a result, you will experience swelling of the tongue along with crenation. This problem can be easily corrected by taking folate and vitamin B12 supplements. You should also increase your intake of folate and vitamin B12 rich foods such as fish, eggs, dairy and poultry products. You should also increase your intake of fortified plant food source. A scalloped tongue is also linked with iron deficiency. Hence, you also need to increase your intake of iron rich foods such as fish, meat, beans, green leafy vegetables, and poultry products. If possible, you have to take iron supplement to give your body its much needed iron. (6, 7)
  • Bad habits – There are habits you are not aware that could lead to a scalloped tongue such as clenching, pressing the tongue against your dental arches for an extended period of time, and gridding of the teeth. Some people who are anxious tend to press their tongue against their teeth, which causes tension to the muscles leading to the development of a scalloped tongue.
  • Oral cancer – In worse scenario, a scalloped tongue can be an indicator of oral cancer, especially if the tongue has sore or painful fissure.
  • Other possible causes – A scalloped tongue can also be an indicator of other abnormalities in the body such as problems in the digestive system, sinus, or arthritis.

How to diagnose a scalloped tongue?

Before choosing the treatment approach for a scalloped tongue, it is important to correctly assess the condition. It is a must to diagnose correctly the presence of a scalloped tongue. The symptoms should be thoroughly examined. The underlying causes for scalloped tongue should be thoroughly assessed. (8)

Treatment options for scalloped tongue

For the scalloped tongue to be fully corrected, the underlying cause should be determined and addressed. As mentioned above, a scalloped tongue is not a disease but an indicator that there is something wrong in your health.

Aside from the treatment of the underlying cause, the patient is advised to maintain a good oral hygiene to prevent secondary infection. In other words, a scalloped disease is generally harmless and does not warrant medical attention, but the underlying cause should be addressed. Not dealing with the underlying cause right away could result to a bigger problem. (9, 10)



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