Archive for February, 2016

Flea Bites on Humans – Pictures, Treatment, Look Like, Get Rid

Feb 26 2016 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What are Flea Bites?

A flee is a brown bug with a shell that is hard. It is small blood sucking insect. It feeds most often on animals but it can also bite humans. Fleas, are wingless creature, have claws which are tiny that helps these tiny little creatures to attach to warm blooded animals or persons and suck their blood. Hence, the flea bite emerges. The flea has anticoagulant that encourages the blood to still keep flowing.

Flea Bites picture1

Flea Bites on Humans Symptoms

If you were bitten by a flea, you might encounter the symptoms such as:

  1. Itchy feeling
  2. After a bite, a red, swollen wheal or rash develops within thirty minutes
  3. The legs and feet are often the target areas of these wicked fleas
  4. Secondary infection can occur which is caused primarily by scratching
  5. Hypersensitivity to the bite or the so called hives may occur

How do Flea Bites look like on Humans?

Mostly, when the fleas bite a human being, they are often not felt, yet it leaves an itchy sensation and a red halo on an unprotected skin. It is terribly itchy when you are bitten by a flea. Its itchiness last for distressful long hours. There are different kinds of fleas that can bite a human being namely dog flea, human flea or cat flea. Children are reportedly the victims of the flea bites because they have more sensitive skin than that of adults.

When you have been bitten by a flea, expect that it won’t look like mosquito bites or pimples. The bites from this creature are much smaller. They look like tiny red bumps which are raised. It is like your blood was drawn and you had a small, red raised bump from that of a needle. It looks like that due to the fact that the fleas are specified for animals. As soon as they bite you, they realize that you are not what they want and it suddenly jumps off of your body area. Thus, this will leave you with the small raised bumps.

How long do Flea Bites last on Humans?

Different person has different healing modes. When you have been bitten by a flea, normally it should take for as long as two weeks for it to completely vanish. You must keep in mind that to be able for recuperation to occur, you must not scratch the area that was bitten by the flea. If you do scratch that area, it will take a much longer time for the area to heal.

Flea Bites on Human’s Treatment

The good thing when you have been bitten by a flea is that you can treat it.

Clean the Bitten Area

The first thing that you do when you suspect that you have been bitten by a flea is that you clean the bitten area with an antiseptic or germicidal soap.

Application of Ice

If you noticed that the bites are swollen and inflamed, it is very much suggested that you apply cold ice packs to relieve the inflammation or the swelling.

Topical Anti Inflammatory Medications

If itchiness is your problem, there are topical medications that you can buy over the counter or can be bought with prescription in your chosen pharmacy. These medications, such as calamine lotion and anesthetic creams will treat and prevent you from further itching. A 1% hydrocortisone cream which can be bought over the counter can also be use to relieve the itchy feeling.

Never Scratch!

The most important thing that you need to remember when you have been bitten by a flea is that you must be able to resist yourself from scratching that area. Scratching the itchy area will result to wounds and having wounds will make you at risk for infection, which can be another problem on your behalf.

Seek Medical Treatment

If the symptoms worsen, or an infection develops, it is highly suggested that you see the doctor as soon as possible. Also, you must seek treatment for a possibility of tapeworm infection. Fleas have a possibility of transmitting tapeworm through their bite. In addition, you can go ask your pharmacist with regards to the appropriate and effective antihistamine kind of medication that will help in reducing the inflammation.

How to get rid of Flea Bites on Humans

There are two important things to bear in mind when you will prevent the occurrence of being bitten by a flea: treat your pet and treat your house.

Treat your Pet

Animals that are infested with fleas should be treated for several weeks. In effectively treating your pets, as a responsible owner you must see a veterinarian and ask help from them to help you in choosing the right and appropriate flea killing products. Treatment medications under this includes solutions or powders which you can apply to the animal’s fur and tablets which is needed to be swallowed by the animal itself. Aside from that, it is necessary that you treat your pet for tapeworm. As mentioned, tapeworm can be transmitted by fleas through their bite.

Treat your House

In treating your house, you must be able to clean thoroughly the bed sheets or the sleeping quarter of your pets and its general surroundings. You must vacuum the carpets. After vacuuming, you throw away the vacuum cleaner bag that contains eggs or fleas or using a spray surface into the bag itself. You must use a right spray or flea bomb and follow the right label directions carefully. Aside from that, the outdoor areas that are commonly used by your pet must be cleaned thoroughly. Such outdoor area that needs to be cleaned is kennels. When cleaning such area, one must put into consideration to be able to prevent the spread of the flea creature; one must wear gloves and long sleeve clothing. You need to be able to repeat the procedure that is mentioned, at least once or twice to be able to make sure that there are no fleas living in that area. Aside from this, you can ask your local council which can offer advice and information with flea infestation.

Flea Bites on Humans Pictures

flea bites on humans

flea bites

image 3 – flea bites on legs

flea bites pics

flea bites vs bed bugs

image 5 – flea bites Vs bed bug bites

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CPAP Side Effects (Top 10)

Feb 09 2016 Published by under Side Effects

CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure involves the continuous positive pressure in the lungs. The positive pressure is given at constant flow to generate positive pressure in the lungs and keep the airways open. In the use of CPAP, patients are the ones who initiate their breaths.


CPAP can be used in the hospital setting as well as at home. It also contains heated humidifiers to prevent drying of the nasal and oral mucosa as the mild pressure from the CPAP is given. The continuous pressure keeps the airways open and limits the need for intubation and become a weaning method for extubation. Continuous positive airway pressure was developed initially for the use of neonatal intensive care unit patients, but is now used in varied cases of patients.


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is indicated for various respiratory conditions to prevent the lungs from collapsing. These include:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Hypoxia
  • Community Acquired pneumonia
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Respiratory failure
  • Asthma
  • Premature neonates
  • Sleep apnea

CPAP is used in patients with no problems on the level of consciousness or neurologic symptoms because breathing in CPAP is still initiated by the patient.

CPAP Side Effects

CPAP machine side-effects include those that arise from the interface and the positive pressure of the CPAP. These CPAP side-effects include:

1. Skin irritation

The use of the interface such as a nasal cannula or face mask becomes uncomfortable for patients because it causes irritation of the nasal mucosa or the skin around the face mask as CPAP side-effects. This can be managed by application of lubricants on the nasal cannula that comes in contact with the nasal mucosa. The use of face mask liners also prevents irritation of the skin on the face as CPAP side-effect.

2. Nasal Congestion & Rhinitis

Patients who have vigorous airflow requirements also may experience nasal congestion symptoms as CPAP side-effects because of high oxygen volume that passes through the nose. This irritates the nasal mucosa leading to increase in mucus production. Patients often adjust to this over a period of weeks. These CPAP side-effects can be managed by using humidifiers to reduce nasal dryness that may lead to rhinitis and congestion.

3. Sinus Headache

The occurrence of nasal congestion may lead also to sinus congestion that may cause headache upon awakening as CPAP side-effects. Management may include taking analgesics to relieve headache and administration of prescribed decongestants.

4. Eustachian tube Infections

The high pressure that goes inside the nasal cavity may also pass through the Eustachian tubes. Eustachian tubes are the connection between the nasal cavity and the ears. When moisture accumulates in the tubes a result of CPAP use, it may cause infection; however, this CPAP side-effect is uncommon. This CPAP side-effect can be prevented by ensuring that the tubes and interface are clean. It requires washing and disinfection every day.

5. Pressure Build-up on the Cochlea

The high pressure that enters the Eustachian tubes also goes behind the cochlea where pressure may build-up. As a result, the patient may experience pressure and pain inside the ears as CPAP side-effects and may affect hearing. This CPAP side-effect can be managed by adjusting the pressure as prescribed by the health care provider.

6. Dry Eyes and Mucous Membranes

Oxygen use may cause drying and irritation of the mucous membranes as CPAP side-effects. This can be prevented by using heated humidifiers to moisturize that oxygen that goes inside the nasal cavity and may escape the face mask and may have contact with the eyes. Face mask should also be fit properly to prevent the escape of high oxygen pressure that may irritate the eyes.

7. Smashed face Syndrome

The use of CPAP mask for prolonged periods leads to movement of the jaws and teeth backward. This phenomenon may lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This CPAP side-effect can be managed by using properly firing mask or changing of the appliance to other possible interfaces such as using a nasal cannula. In case of face mask use, it should not fit too tight to prevent pressure on the teeth and jaws to prevent this CPAP side-effect.

8. Sleep Disturbances

Patients using CPAP may suffer difficulty falling asleep because of high pressure. The remedy for this CPAP side-effect is by the use of pressure relief equipment that lowers the pressure as the patient sleeps and gradually increases to the desired pressure when the patient is already asleep. Other pressure relief equipment also allows reduction of pressure as the patient exhales and returns when the patient inhales.

9. Claustrophobia

Patients may also experience anxiety and claustrophobia resulting from the use of face mask as CPAP side-effects. CPAP increases the pressure that is also preset upon exhalation. Because of this, the patient will have difficulty exhaling because of the opposing pressure from the CPAP. Patients who develop claustrophobia may need changing of the interface from a face mask to another interface.

10. Bloating

CPAP may also lead to bloating and distention as CPAP side-effects. These result from the air trapped from entering the trachea which then enters the stomach. These CPAP side-effects can be prevented by sleeping in a neutral position to prevent airway obstruction.

Because of these CPAP side-effects, patients often become non-compliant. However, CPAP still remains to be important in the management of sleep apnea and other respiratory conditions because it allows continuous positive pressure that eases breathing and preventing lung collapse. CPAP side-effects can be prevented or managed to increase the compliance of patients.

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