Archive for November, 2015

Glucophage Side Effects

Nov 28 2015 Published by under Side Effects

Glucophage with a brand name of metformin is an oral antidiabetic medication used to lower the blood sugar levels. Specifically, it is a biguanide medication used as a first line drug for type II diabetes mellitus. Glucophage is available in plain tablets aNd Glucophage XR or extended release tablets available in film coated preparations.

glucophage side effects

Uses and Advantages of Glucophage

Glucophage is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Type II diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Prediabetes in obese and overweight individuals
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome with insulin resistance
  • Non-alcoholic fatty Liver disease with insulin resistance
  • Premature puberty with insulin resistance

One advantage of Glucophage is that it prevents the cardiovascular complications of diabetes because it also reduces the level of the bad cholesterol in the body, which is the low density lipoproteins and triglycerides. Glucophage is also not associated with weight gain. It may also reduce mortality in patients as compared to other antidiabetic drugs. Glucophage is one of the two oral antidiabetics included in the World Health Organization Essential Medicines.

The exact mechanism of Glucophage includes the suppression of glucose production in the liver, thereby preventing high blood sugar levels. Liver glucose production is known as gluconeogenesis.

Glucophage Side effects

When prescribed and taken appropriately, Glucophage only cause few Glucophage side effects. It also does not lead to serious Glucophage side effects.  Specific Glucophage side effects include:

1. Gastrointestinal Glucophage side effects


The gastrointestinal Glucophage side effects are due to the increase in the dosage of the drug as well as the initial intake of Glucophage. Diarrhea is the most common gastrointestinal Glucophage side effects, which can be reduced by starting Glucophage in lower doses and gradually increasing the dose. Prolonged and steady use of Glucophage usually reduces this gastrointestinal Glucophage side effect.

Abdominal Cramps

Abdominal cramps may also be experienced by patients.


Vomiting is another common gastrointestinal Glucophage side effect as a result of starting Glucophage therapy.


There may also be increased gas production associated with the absorption of Glucophage in the gut.

Vitamin B12 malabsorption

Vitamin B12 malabsorption may be associated with the prolonged use of Glucophage. In this regard, early screening for vitamin deficiency should be employed to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency states that may lead to problems such as pernicious anemia.

2. Hematologic Glucophage side effects


Anemia may result because of vitamin B12 overdose as a Glucophage side effect of prolonged drug use. This may be prevented by proving vitamin B12 supplements or discontinuing the drug.

3. Metabolic Glucophage side effects

Lactic acidosis

A serious complication of lactic acidosis may result from Glucophage overdose, but correct dosing of the drug may not produce significant risk for lactic acidosis. This Glucophage side effect may develop in patients who have co morbid conditions such as liver and kidney diseases because of reduced elimination of Glucophage in the blood leading to the utilization of proteins and fats for energy production. This effect may also be associated with the production of lactate in the intestines; however, appropriate use of Glucophage usually prevents this Glucophage side-effect. Lactic acidosis may result in symptoms such as abdominal pain, hypothermia, dyspnea, hypotension and slow heart rate.


Hypoglycemia is a rare Glucophage side effect as a result of taking too much Glucophage. Intake of Glucophage does not commonly produce hypoglycemia, but the presence of strenuous exercise, decreased food intake, pituitary insufficiency, adrenal insufficiency, and alcohol use may increase the risk for hypoglycemia.

Decreased Thyroid stimulating hormone levels

There were few cases of reduction in the TSH levels in patients with hypothyroidism.

Decreased testosterone levels

There may also be decreased production of testosterone levels among male patients taking Glucophage, but this tends to be rare and can be prevented by proper dosing of the drug.

4. Hepatic Glucophage side effects


Hepatitis was also seen in two cases of patients taking Glucophage. This effect may be due to the prolonged and high dose intake of metformin that may possibly affected the liver. Regular monitoring of the liver enzymes as well as checking for jaundice may be essential to early detect liver problems.

5. Hypersensitivity Glucophage side effects

Allergic reactions

Patients allergic to Glucophage may experience hypersensitivity reactions when the drug is taken. It may produce rashes, itching, difficulty of breathing and wheezing.

6. Other Glucophage side effects

Leukocystoclastic vasculitis

This Glucophage side effect has been documented in a single case of a patient taking Glucophage. The exact mechanism is still unknown and it may be caused by other co morbid conditions present in the patient.

Presence of distinct odor

Some patients have reported fish odor or fishy odor in Glucophage tablets. This may be reduced by taking Glucophage film coated tablets.

These Glucophage side effects tend to more uncommon compared to other oral antidiabetic agents. The advantages of Glucophage should be considered in weighing the risk and benefits of drug intake. Being a safe drug, patients need not to worry about Glucophage side effects because the appropriate and monitored use of the drug does not likely to cause Glucophage side effects.

In order to prevent Glucophage side effects and other drug side effects such as Inositol side effects, it is essential to adhere with the prescription of the doctor and report presence of any co morbid conditions and use of other drugs in order to prevent interactions.

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Stomach Gas – Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Nov 22 2015 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

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Voltaren Side Effects

Nov 16 2015 Published by under Side Effects

Voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with the generic name of diclofenac. Voltaren is used for the treatment of inflammatory disorders, pain and dysmenorrhea. Specific inflammatory conditions that may be managed by Voltaren include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Polymyositis
  • Spondylarthritis
  • Temporo-mandibular joint disorder
  • Gout
  • Akylosing spondylitis
  • Kidney and gallstone pain
  • Migraines
  • Post surgical inflammation and pain

Voltaren is usually given to mange mild to moderate pain with inflammatory conditions. The mechanism of action of Voltaren in reducing pain and inflammation include the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by acting on the cyclooxygenase pathways that stimulate the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is a chemical mediator for inflammation. When prostaglandin is inhibited, the inflammatory response is also inhibited thereby preventing the cardinal signs of inflammation such as pain, redness, swelling, heat and loss of function.

Voltaren is available in oral form as well as gel forms for the local management of musculoskeletal disorder. It is also available in optic drops for the management of postoperative eye inflammation.

Voltaren Side effects

Voltaren is one of the most tolerated NSAIDs; nevertheless, it may still cause Voltaren side effects. These include:

1. Gastrointestinal Voltaren side effects

Gastric irritation

Prostaglandin is also essential in protecting the lining of the stomach. When it is inhibited, the gastric lining is thereby irritated by the drug. This is usually avoided by taking the drug on a full stomach or after meals. Gastric irritation is the most common reason of Voltaren discontinuation.

Peptic ulcer disease

Long-term use of Voltaren may eventually lead to peptic ulcer disease as a Voltaren side-effect because of prolonged gastric irritation. Because of this potential Voltaren side effect, diclofenac is sometimes prepared in combination with antiulcer drugs such as misoprostol, which is a synthetic prostaglandin. It may also be taken with pantoprazole, but be sure to watch out for Pantoprazole side effects as well.

Diarrhea or constipation

Because of the mucoprotective effect of prostaglandin in the GIT, the use of Voltaren may also cause diarrhea or constipation.

2. Cardiac Voltaren side effects

Heart attacks

Diclofenac is found to increase the risk for myocardial infarctions due to development of possible blood clots because the pathway of prostaglandin synthesis is also responsible for platelet aggregation.


Diclofenac is also found to cause abnormal blood clotting that may lead to life-threatening thrombosis and embolism.

3. Hepatic Voltaren side effects

Liver damage

Liver damage is a rare Voltaren side effect and tends to be reversible. Voltaren is found to be less hepatotoxic than other NSAIDs. The serum transaminase may be increased up to three times the normal liver enzyme levels. The liver function should be regularly monitored when under Voltaren therapy. Liver damage is usually reversible after discontinuing the medication.

4. Renal Voltaren side effects

Renal failure

Voltaren also affects the renal prostaglandins, which are responsible for protecting the nephrons. Renal problems are seen in long term use of Voltaren. Avoiding long term use of the drug seems to be effective in preventing renal Voltaren side effects.

5. Hematologic Voltaren side effects

Decreased blood cells

There have also been reported reductions in the white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells. These Voltaren side-effects results from the inhibition of the thrombocytic aggregation that is needed in blood clotting. The destruction of the WBCS and RBCs may be related to the development of autoantibodies that results from hypersensitivity reactions to the drug.

6. Dermatologic Voltaren side effects


Patients allergic to diclofenac and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may develop maculopapular rash as a sign of allergy. Severe development of rashes may involve Steven Johnson Syndrome and erythema multiforme.

7. Musculoskeletal Voltaren side effects


A rare musculoskeletal Voltaren side-effect has been observed in a 44 year old patient who took Voltaren for 7 days. Rhabdomyolysis is a life-threatening Voltaren side effect that results from the destruction of the muscle fibers. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it is essential to report signs of muscle weakness, fatigue and epigastric pain to rule out the presence of rhabdomyolysis.

Although these Voltaren side effects may be moderate to severe in nature, taking the drug as prescribed usually avoids these Voltaren side effects.

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