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Keratosis Pilaris – Pictures, Treatment, Cure, Home Remedies

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis Pilaris is a skin medical condition which leads to the person experiencing or having small acne bumps and patches that appears rough. It is also called as chicken skin or follicular Keratosis. Experts would define it as a common genetic follicular, autosomal dominant medical condition which may be seen on the person’s thigh, legs, buttocks, sides, hands, face, palms, or feet soles. This kind of medical condition is a benign form. It can affect both adults as well as adolescents. Persons with Keratosis Pilaris usually reports to have gooseflesh, chicken skin or goose bump episodes.

Keratosis Pilaris pics

Tiny skin bumps appear resembling chicken skin

What causes Keratosis Pilaris?

Generally speaking, persons who have Keratosis Pilaris may occasionally not be aware that they really have a medical skin condition. The Keratosis Pilaris actually is considered to be displeasing cosmetically but it is harmless medically.

Medically speaking, the reason behind why a person experiences Keratosis Pilaris is because there is a build-up of keratin. Keratin is found in the skin which is a protein that is hard enough to protect your skin from infection and substances that may be harmful to your skin. The exact cause of Keratosis Pilaris is still unknown. In persons with Keratosis Pilaris, their skin when viewed under the microscope has hyperkeratosis, hair follicular plugging and thickening that is milder in form.

How to treat Keratosis Pilaris?

In general, there is no known single treatment to improve the condition. The goal of treatment is to soften the keratin skin deposits. The following are suggested treatment options for persons suffering from Keratosis Pilaris:

1. Medical treatment

  • Retinoids – Scientifically, retinoid is culled from vitamin A. It works in the promotion of the turnover of the cell and prevents the hair follicle plugging episodes. The negative aspect of retinoid is that it can cause skin irritation such as peeling, redness, and dryness.
  • Corticosteroids – Corticosteroids are  classified under anti-inflammatory medication. They aid in the reduction of the cellular turnover by suppression of the person’s immune system. This is actually a short-term treatment or is prescribed temporarily to relieve symptoms. The side effects of usage of corticosteroids are irritation, itching, or burning.
  • Exfoliants – Exfoliants are another effective treatment for Keratosis Pilaris which contain alpha hydroxyl, salicylic acid or lactic acid and leads to softening the dry skin which aids in the removal and loosening of the dead cells. The side effects of using Exfoliants are that it can lead to stinging, irritation of the skin and redness.
2. Surgical treatment

Another treatment option for Keratosis Pilaris is surgical treatment which may either be in a form of microdermabrasion, laser, chemical peels, photodynamic therapy, and intense pulsed light device. The best desired results can be achieved if done in combination with a topical medication and a surgical physical treatment option.

Picture of Microdermabrasion of Keratosis Pilaris

Skin condition improves cosmetically after microdermabrasion

Keratosis Pilaris Home Remedies

Aside from medical treatment options, you can also opt to try out home remedies which may be effective for persons suffering from Keratosis Pilaris. They are as follows:

  • Air humidification – This is good to increase humidity and prevent skin from drying out.
  • Skin moisturizer – A good treatment for Keratosis Pilaris is skin moisturizer. Moisturizer actually contains propylene glycol and urea which aids in softening the rough and thick skin.
  • Diet for Keratosis Pilaris – The diet for Keratosis Pilaris consist of vegetables, fruits, vitamin E and A and essential fatty acids which can be good for the skin. These kinds of foods will aid in the improvement of skin texture by regulation abnormal proliferation of the outermost layer of skin.
  • Avoidance of pollutants and allergens – This is the most important treatment for Keratosis Pilaris is to avoid allergens and pollutants. As much as possible, avoid the things which can lead to the aggravation of one’s condition such as dust mites, molds, dander in pets, fluoride found in toothpaste, harsh chemicals or detergents and the like.
  • Skin hygiene – A good practice of skin hygiene such as daily washing or bathing of the body is the basic home remedy for Keratosis Pilaris. However, if done vigorously, it will lead to skin irritation and further worsening of the skin disorder. Hence, gentle exfoliation or skin hygiene habits are suggested.
  • Water therapy – This will combat dehydration episodes and will prevent them from happening. Aside from that, it will also aid in the flushing out of the toxin that is unwanted in one’s body.
  • Lactic acid – Lactic acid can aid in the removal of excessive keratin from the skin’s surface. You can get it over-the-counter.

Keratosis Pilaris Pictures

Pictures, images, photos of keratosis pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris manifestation pics

A closer look on Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris on the arms picture

Keratosis Pilaris on the upper arm resembles reddish chicken skin

Image of Keratosis Pilaris on the face

Keratosis Pilaris on the face forming a large erythematous area

Keratosis Pilaris on the forearm image

Keratosis Pilaris on the forearm commonly seen in adults

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