Pimple on Lip

A pimple is a soft, tiny red nodule filled with pus. It sometimes have black tip or none and may be painful. U...

Scalloped Tongue

Scalloped tongue is a term used to describe a tongue that has indentations along the sides. It is primarily ca...

Kennel Cough

What is Kennel Cough? Kennel cough is a condition affecting dogs or canines. It affects the respiratory syste...

Pemphigus Vulgaris

What is Pemphigus Vulgaris? Pemphigus vulgaris is a dermatological problem, specifically an autoimmune bliste...

Flea Bites on Humans – Pictures, Treatment, Look Like, Get Rid

What are Flea Bites? A flee is a brown bug with a shell that is hard. It is small blood sucking insect. It fe...

Oculogyric Crisis (OGC) – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes

What is Oculogyris Crisis? Oculogyric Crisis is the most known reversible involuntary reactions that involve ...

Koilonychia – Pictures, Causes, Treatment, Definition

What is Koilonychia? Koilonychia, the opposite of clubbing, is a condition of the person’s nails which has ...

Posterior Vitreous Detachment – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes

Human Eye is a sense organ, small ball in size that allows vision and light perception. Vitreous humour is ...

Stomach Gas – Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Remedies Prevention Complications Stomach gas is present in a...

Acrophobia – Definition, Treatment, Symptoms, Causes

Acrophobia Definition Acrophobia is derived from the greek word ákron , meaning "peak, summit, edge" and phÃ...

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