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Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects


Apple cider vinegar is a commonly used remedy for specific conditions as well as ensuring a healthy metabolism. Apple cider vinegar is made from the fermented extract of crushed apples. Apple cider vinegar contains vitamin C and vitamin B complex. It also contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. In addition, apple cider vinegar also contains citric acid and acetic acid, which is beneficial for various conditions.

apple cidar vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used for various ailments such as:

  • Overweight
  • Bad breath
  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Age spots
  • Yeast infection
  • Diarrhea/ Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Diabetes
  • Leg cramps
  • Sore throat
  • Hypertension
  • Sinusitis
  • Arthritis
  • Sunburns
  • Dandruff
  • Shingles
  • Infections such as vaginitis
  • Insect bites

People suffering from certain illness may get the benefit out of this kitchen ingredient. In addition, it also does not only help manage the above conditions, but also provide essential nutrients and minerals.

Apple cider vinegar Side effects

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy, which causes few or no adverse effects at all. However, it may still cause mild apple cider vinegar side-effects since it is not a natural substance in the body. There are variousapple cider vinegar side effects, which should be taken into consideration. Although it is a possible effect, taking apple cider vinegar appropriately may prevent these apple cider vinegar side-effects. Apple cider vinegar side effects include:

#1 Apple cider vinegar side effects: Tooth enamel corrosion

Because of the presence of acids in apple cider vinegar, drinking too much of it in regular intervals may eventually weaken teeth because of corrosion. Drinking pure apple cider vinegar increases the concentration in the tooth enamel, thereby making it more potent in weakening the teeth. In order to prevent his Apple cider vinegar side effect, never drink apple cider vinegar in its pure form, instead, dilute it with water and rinse the mouth with fresh after to remove the apple cider vinegar that may have stayed on the tooth. In addition, rinse the tooth before brushing because brushing the teeth with the apple cider vinegar on it may increase the corrosive effects of the vinegar.

#2 Apple cider vinegar side effects: Skin and Throat Irritation

Apple cider vinegar may also burn and irritate the soft tissues on the throat and skin. When apple cider vinegar is taken in full strength, it may possibly burn the throat and intensify the sore throat sensation. Those who take apple cider vinegar pills may also cause burning of the esophagus due to the presence of stacked pills on the throat. In order to prevent throat irritation, drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water or take apple cider vinegar pills with a glass of water to prevent it from staying in the esophagus.

Apple cider vinegar may also burn the skin when applied directly on the skin when treating skin conditions. To prevent his, never leave apple cider vinegar on the skin longer than 5 minutes. Rinse the apple cider vinegar immediately after 5 minutes.

#3 Apple cider vinegar side effects: Gastric Irritation

The acidic component of apple cider vinegar may also irritate the gastric lining leading to upset stomach. Frequent use of apple cider vinegar may lead to gastritis and ulceration of the stomach. To prevent these apple cider vinegar side effects, take apple cider vinegar after meals.

#4 Apple cider vinegar side effects: Low Potassium Levels

Despite the presence of traces of potassium in apple cider vinegar, it may also cause low blood potassium levels when taken in high amounts. Take low dose apple cider vinegar to prevent this.

#5 Apple cider vinegar side effects: Decreased Bone Density

Because of possible low potassium levels, the bone may have reduced bone density. Patients who have osteoporosis or have increased risk for osteoporosis such as menopausal women should avoid taking apple cider vinegar.

Despite these apple cider vinegar side effects, taking apple cider vinegar is still beneficial and should be considered. However, to prevent apple cider vinegar side effects, make sure to take apple cider vinegar as instructed. Just like other medications, they also have side effects such as Enalapril side effects, which should be prevented by taking the medications as prescribed.

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